A message to the CESRA members email list (from Andre Csillaghy and Jack Ireland): Third Announcement of the Fifth Solar Image Processing Workshop, 12-16 September, 2010 The Fifth Solar Image Processing Workshop to be held in LesDiablerets, Switzerland, 12-16 September, will discuss the application of modern computer vision methods to the challenges of understanding and predicting the behavior of our Sun. Registration and abstract submission are now open at http://www.sipwork.org/sipworkV/ Important dates: 15 July: Early registration (CHF 180) closes. 15 July: Deadline for student financial support 31 July: Deadline for Hotel Reservation -- no room availability guaranteed after this 15 August: Abstract submission closes. 12 September: Registration closes (CHF 200) closes. 12 September: Conference dinner registration closes (CHF 50). 12-16 September: Conference. The fifth Solar Image Processing Workshop will concentrate on the role played by solar image processing as we enter the petabyte era of solar physics. For example, the Solar Dynamics Observatory vastly increases the amount of data we have about our Sun, and solar image processing is taking a central role in reducing SDO and other data into useful information about the underlying physics. Many other facilities, such as the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), PROBA2, Picard and the H-alpha network each present varied and significant challenges in applying computer vision techniques to help understand the physics of the Sun. Confirmed invited speakers: - Piet Martens (Harvard-Smithsonian), on the SDO Science Center and the image processing techniques being used there, - Michaele Piana (University of Genoa), on inverse problems in relation to image processing, - Hassan Foroosh (U. Central Florida), on spatial/temporal tracking of features - Ian Jermyn (INRIA-Sophia), on image segmentation, - Mark Butala (UIUC), on three dimensional coronal structure reconstruction. In addition, Jean-Marc Odobez from the Idiap Research Institute located in the nearby town of Martigny will give an evening lecture on computer vision. The structure of the workshop is as follows. The morning is given over to plenary sessions, with breaks being poster sessions. Participants are expected to attend all talks and poster sessions. In the afternoons, the conference splits into splinter sessions, where the following subject areas are covered. We solicit contributions in these areas. Splinter session 1: Solar Eruptive Events This session examines solar eruptive events of all types such as flares and coronal mass ejections, including: detectable precursors automated tracking of events via image processing algorithms physics of eruptive events energy and mass storage in the corona flow into the extended solar atmosphere prediction of eruption Splinter session 2: Solar Disk Features This session deals with all types of features and events on the solar disk and how they may be tracked in time, space and wavelength. Topics of particular interest are: prediction of the emergence of active regions automated tracking of features in time, space and wavelength during their passage across the disc. cataloging of features and the comparison of feature catalogs detection of changes to solar features with time as precursors to shorter time-scale behavior such as flares and prominence eruptions. physics of sunspots, coronal holes, filaments/prominences and other solar features Splinter session 3: Reconstruction of the 3-D solar atmosphere This session deals with the reconstruction of the true structure of the solar atmosphere from multiple viewpoints, wavelengths and times. Topics of particular interest are: reconstruction of the three-dimensional dynamics of coronal mass ejections as a function of time propagation of 3-dimensional structures in the extended solar atmosphere three-dimensional structure of coronal magnetic fields changes in three-dimensional structure in time as a precursor to subsequent events Splinter session 4: Differential emission measure, solar activity and irradiance reconstruction This session deals with the differential emission measure (DEM) of various solar features; how solar activity changes the DEM, and the reconstruction of the solar irradiance spectrum from the spatial features we see on the Sun. Topics of particular interest are: DEM reconstruction methods using DEM to recover the physics of solar features connecting DEM to the observed spatial and temporal behavior of solar features reconstruction of the irradiance spectrum. Limited funding is available for students who wish to attend the conference. Please contact the Chair of the Science Organizing Committee (Jack.Ireland@nasa.gov) before 15 July stating: name institution proposed contribution (title + abstract + presentation type talk or poster) A short paragraph on why you want to attend this meeting Students will be selected for funding on a first come, first served basis and on the suitability of their work with respect to the stated areas of interest of the workshop. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the SOC and LOC chairs at the email addresses below. See you in Switzerland in September! LOC Chair: Andre Csillaghy, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (andre.csillaghy@fhnw.ch) SOC Chair: Jack Ireland, ADNET Systems Inc./NASA GSFC (Jack.Ireland@nasa.gov)