CESRA announcement ESPM-14: abstract submission and financial support Dear colleagues, The 14th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-14) will be held in Dublin, Ireland, 8-12 September 2014. The program is of special interest to the solar radio community, with invited talks on radio instrumentation (ALMA, CSRH), a special session on Radio Emission and Particle Acceleration, and of course interesting topics and talks on other sessions as well. This year, and because of the strong radio input, the meeting will be co-sponsored by the FP7 RadioNet3 project and CESRA. The meeting organisers can therefore offer some financial support to PhD students and early career post-docs who present radio talks/posters. The deadline for abstract submission and application for financial support is Monday, 16 June. Both forms are available at the meeting website http://www.espm14.ie/ Please distribute this information to your students and post-docs who may not be in the CESRA email list. More information on the RadioNet3 project can be found at http://www.radionet-eu.org/ *** This message was posted to the CESRA email list http://www.lesia.obspm.fr/cesra/