Source code for AIMS

#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id:
# Author: Daniel R. Reese <>
# Copyright (C) Daniel R. Reese and contributors
# Copyright license: GNU GPL v3.0
#   AIMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with AIMS.  If not, see <>.

A module which contains the main program for AIMS as well as various classes
which intervene when calculating the priors and likelihood function:

- :py:class:`Distribution`: a class which represents a probability distribution
- :py:class:`Prior_list`: a class with a list of priors
- :py:class:`Mode`: a class used to represent observed modes
- :py:class:`Combination`: a class used to represent frequency combinations
- :py:class:`Likelihood`: a class used to represent the likelihood function
- :py:class:`Probability`: a class which groups the priors and likelihood function together

This module relies on the `emcee <>`_ package to apply
an MCMC algorithm which will return a representative sample of models for a given set
of seismic an classic constraints.

.. warning::
  In various places in this module, for instance in the :py:class:`Prior_list`
  and :py:class:`Likelihood` classes, various methods return what is described
  as a :math:`\chi^2` value.  Technically, these are not :math:`\chi^2` values,
  but rather :math:`-\chi^2/2`, i.e. the argument of the exponential function
  which intervenes in the Gaussian probability distribution.

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
__version__ = "1.0.0"

import dill
import os
import sys
import emcee
import triangle
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot  as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.lines   as mlines
import numpy as np
from operator import attrgetter
from multiprocessing import Pool

# import modules from the AIMS package
import model
import constants
import utilities
import AIMS_configure as config # user-defined configuration parameters

# parameters associated with the grid
grid             = None   
""" grid of models """

grid_params_MCMC = ()     
""" parameters used in the MCMC run (excluding surface correction parameters) """

grid_params_MCMC_with_surf = ()     
""" parameters used in the MCMC run (including surface correction parameters) """

ndims            = 0      
""" number of dimensions for MCMC parameters (includes :py:data:`nsurf`)  """

nsurf            = 0      
""" number of surface term parameters """

# parameters associated with probabilities
prob      = None          
:py:class:`Probability` type object that represents the probability function
which includes the likelihood and priors

log0      = -1e300        
""" a large negative value used to represent ln(0) """

threshold = -1e290        
""" threshold for "accepted" models.  Needs to be greater than :py:const:`log0` """

# variables associated with the best model from a scan of the entire grid:
best_grid_model   = None  
""" best model from a scan of the entire grid """

best_grid_params  = None  
""" parameters for the model :py:data:`best_grid_model`"""

best_grid_result  = log0  
""" ln(probability) result for the model :py:data:`best_grid_model`"""

# variables associated with the best model from the MCMC run:
best_MCMC_model   = None
""" best model from the MCMC run """

best_MCMC_params  = None
""" parameters for the model :py:data:`best_MCMC_model`"""

best_MCMC_result  = log0
""" ln(probability) result for the model :py:data:`best_MCMC_model`"""

# variables associated with the statistical parameters
statistical_model = None
""" model corresponding to statistical parameters """

statistical_params= None
""" parameters for the model :py:data:`statistical_model`"""

statistical_result= log0
""" ln(probability) result for the model :py:data:`statistical_model`"""

# other parameters
output_folder = None
""" folder in which to write the results """

pool          = None
""" pool from which to carry out parallel computations """

my_map        = None      
""" pointer to the map function (either the parallel or sequential versions) """

[docs]class Distribution: """ A class which represents a probability distribution, and can yield its value for a given input parameter, or provide a random realisation. """ def __init__(self, _type, _values): """ :param _type: type of probability function (current options include "Gaussian", "Truncated_gaussian", "Uniform") :param _values: list of parameters relevant to the probability function :type _type: string :type _values: list of floats """ self.type = _type """Type of probability function ("Gaussian", "Uniform", or "Truncated_gaussian")""" self.values = _values """List of parameters relevant to probability function""" def __call__(self, value): """ Return ln of probability distribution function for a particular value. :param value: value at which to evaluate ln of probability distribution function. :type value: float :return: ln(distribution(value)) :rtype: float .. note:: The results are given to within an additive constant. """ if self.type == "Gaussian": return -((value - self.values[0])/self.values[1])**2 / 2.0 elif self.type == "Truncated_gaussian": if (abs(value - self.prior_valus[0]) < self.values[1]*self.values[2]): return -((value - self.values[0])/self.values[1])**2 / 2.0 else: return log0 elif self.type == "Uniform": if value < self.values[0] or value > self.values[1]: return log0 else: return 0.0 else: sys.exit("Unrecognised distribution: "+self.type)
[docs] def realisation(self): """ Return a random value which is statistically follows the probability distribution. :return: a random realisation :rtype: float """ if self.type == "Gaussian": return np.random.normal(self.values[0],self.values[1]) elif self.type == "Truncated gaussian": result = np.random.normal(self.values[0],self.values[1]) while (abs(value - self.prior_valus[0]) > self.values[1]*self.values[2]): result = np.random.normal(self.values[0],self.values[1]) return result elif self.type == "Uniform": return np.random.uniform(self.values[0],self.values[1]) else: sys.exit("Unrecognised distribution: "+self.type)
[docs] def re_centre(self,value): """ Re-centre the probability distribution around the input value. :param value: new value around which to centre the distribution :type value: float """ if self.type == "Gaussian": self.values[0] = value elif self.type == "Truncated_gaussian": self.values[0] = value elif self.type == "Uniform": dist = (self.values[1] - self.values[0])/2.0 self.values[0] = value - dist self.values[1] = value + dist else: sys.exit("Unrecognised distribution: "+self.type)
[docs] def re_normalise(self,value): """ Re-normalise the probability distribution so that its characteristic width corresponds to the input value. :param value: new value around for the chacteristic width :type value: float """ if self.type == "Gaussian": self.values[1] = value elif self.type == "Truncated_gaussian": self.values[1] = value elif self.type == "Uniform": centre = (self.values[0] + self.values[1])/2.0 self.values[0] = centre - value self.values[1] = centre + value else: sys.exit("Unrecognised distribution: "+self.type)
[docs] def print_me(self): """Print type and parameters of probability distribution.""" print(self.type + " " + str(self.values))
[docs] def to_string(self): """ Produce nice string representation of the distribution. :return: nice string representation of the distribution :rtype: string """ return self.type + " " + str(self.values)
[docs]class Prior_list: """ A class which contains a list of priors as well as convenient methods for adding priors and for evaluating them. """ def __init__(self): self.priors = [] """A list of probability distributions which correspond to priors."""
[docs] def add_prior(self, aPrior): """ Add a prior to the list. :param aPrior: prior which is to be added to the list. :type aPrior: :py:class:`Distribution` """ self.priors.append(aPrior)
[docs] def realisation(self): """ Return a list with a realisation for each prior. :return: a list of realisations :rtype: list of floats """ return [prior.realisation() for prior in self.priors]
def __call__(self, params): """ Evaluate ln of priors for a list of parameters. :param params: list of parameters which intervene in the priors. :type params: array-like :return: ln(prior probability) :rtype: float .. warning:: The list of parameters should contain the same number of elements as the number of priors. """ assert (len(params) == len(self.priors)), "Incorrect number of parameters in call to Log_prior" lnprior = 0.0 for aPrior, param in zip(self.priors, params): lnprior += aPrior(param) return lnprior
[docs]class Mode: """ A class which describes an *observed* pulsation mode. """ def __init__(self, _n, _l, _freq, _dfreq): """ :param _n: radial order of observed mode :param _l: harmonic degree of observed mode. :param _freq: pulsation frequency (in :math:`\mathrm{\mu Hz}`). :param _dfreq: error bar on pulsation frequency (in :math:`\mathrm{\mu Hz}`). :type _n: int :type _l: int :type _freq: float :type _dfreq: float .. warning:: Negative values are not accepted for ``_l``, ``_freq``, or ``_dfreq``. """ # check inputs assert (_l >= 0), "Modes with l < 0 do not exist" assert ((_n >= 0) or (_l > 0)), "Radial g-modes do not exist" assert (_freq >=0), "I don't accept modes with negative frequencies" assert (_dfreq >=0), "I don't accept modes with negative error bars" self.n = _n """Radial order of observed mode.""" self.l = _l """Harmonic degree of observed mode.""" self.freq = _freq """Pulsation frequency (in :math:`\mathrm{\mu Hz}`).""" self.dfreq = _dfreq """Error bar on pulsation frequency (in :math:`\mathrm{\mu Hz}`)."""
[docs] def match(self,a_mode): """ Check to see if input mode has the same (n,l) values as the current mode. :param a_mode: input mode which is being compared with current mode. :type a_mode: :py:class:`Mode` :return: ``True`` if the input mode has the same (n,l) values as the current mode. :rtype: boolean """ if (self.l != a_mode.l): return False if (self.n != a_mode.n): return False return True
[docs]class Combination: """ A class which contains indices and coefficients which intervene in: - linear combinations of frequencies - frequency ratios """ def __init__(self): self.value = 0.0 """Value of the frequency combination or ratio.""" self.num = 0.0 """Value of the frequency combination or numerator in a frequency ratio.""" self.den = 0.0 """Value of the denomenator in a frequency ratio.""" self.num_index = [] """Indices in a linear combination or numerator of a frequency ratio.""" self.den_index = [] """Indices in the denominator of a frequency ratio, otherwise empty.""" self.num_coeff = [] """Coefficients in a linear combination or numerator of a frequency ratio.""" self.den_coeff = [] """Coefficients in the denominator of a frequency ratio, otherwise empty."""
[docs] def add_num(self,j,coeff): """ Append the given index and coefficient to the list of numerator indices and coefficients. :param j: index of the mode :param coeff: coefficient used in the frequency combination :type j: int :type coeff: float """ self.num_index.append(j) self.num_coeff.append(coeff)
[docs] def add_den(self,j,coeff): """ Append the given index and coefficient to the list of denominator indices and coefficients. :param j: index of the mode :param coeff: coefficient used in the frequency combination :type j: int :type coeff: float """ self.den_index.append(j) self.den_coeff.append(coeff)
[docs] def print_me(self): """ Print frequency combination. """ print "value = ",self.value print "*******************" print "num = ", self.num for i, coeff in zip(self.num_index,self.num_coeff): print " ",i," ",coeff print "*******************" print "den = ", self.den for i, coeff in zip(self.den_index,self.den_coeff): print " ",i," ",coeff
[docs]class Likelihood: """ A class which described the likelihood function and allows users to evaluate it. """ def __init__(self): self.modes = [] """List of pulsation modes (of type :py:class:`Mode`).""" self.constraints = [] """List of constraints which intervene in the likelihood function.""" self.cov = None """Covariance matrix which intervenes when calculating frequency combinations.""" self.invcov = None """Inverse of covariance matrix, :py:data:`Likelihood.cov`.""" self.combinations = [] """This contains indices and coefficients to frequency combinations and frequency ratios.""" self.seismic_weight = 1.0 """Absolute weight to be applied to seismic constraints""" self.classic_weight = 1.0 """Absolute weight to be applied to classic constraints (incl. nu_max constraint)."""
[docs] def find_weights(self): """ Find absolute weights for seismic and classic constraints based on options in `AIMS_configure`. """ if (config.weight_option is None): self.seismic_weight = self.classic_weight = 1.0 return if (config.weight_option == "Absolute"): self.seismic_weight = config.seismic_weight self.classic_weight = config.classic_weight return if (config.weight_option == "Relative"): nseismic = len(self.combinations) nclassic = len(self.constraints) self.seismic_weight = config.seismic_weight*float(nclassic)/float(nseismic) self.classic_weight = config.classic_weight return sys.exit("Unknown weight_option: "+config.weight_option)
[docs] def sort_modes(self): """ Sort the modes. The ordering will depend on the value of ``use_n`` from the ```` file. """ if (config.use_n): self.modes.sort(key=attrgetter("l","n","freq")) else: self.modes.sort(key=attrgetter("l","freq","n"))
[docs] def read_constraints(self,filename,factor=1.0): """ Read a file with pulsation data and constraints. :param filename: name of file with pulsation data. :param factor: multiplicative factor for pulsation frequencies. Can be used for conversions. :type filename: string :type factor: float """ # read modes: self.modes = [] obsfile = open(filename,"r") for line in obsfile: line = utilities.trim(line.strip()) columns = line.split() if (len(columns) == 0): continue # distinguish between constraints and input frequencies by detecting # whether the first line is a number or a string: if (utilities.is_number(columns[0])): if (config.read_n): if (len(columns) >= 4): # l, n, f, df self.modes.append(Mode(_n=int(columns[1]),_l=int(columns[0]), \ _freq=utilities.to_float(columns[2]), \ _dfreq=utilities.to_float(columns[3])*factor)) else: if (len(columns) >= 3): # l, f, df self.modes.append(Mode(_n=0, _l=int(columns[0]), \ _freq=utilities.to_float(columns[1]), \ _dfreq=utilities.to_float(columns[2])*factor)) else: if (len(columns) < 3): continue if (len(columns) == 3): like.add_constraint((columns[0], \ Distribution("Gaussian", \ [utilities.to_float(columns[1]), \ utilities.to_float(columns[2])]))) continue like.add_constraint((columns[0], \ Distribution(columns[1], \ [utilities.to_float(columns[2]), \ utilities.to_float(columns[3])]))) # don't forget to do this: obsfile.close() # print number of modes: print "I found %d modes in %s."%(len(self.modes),filename) # if the n values have not been provided, then they need to be guessed: if (not config.read_n): self.guess_n() # this needs to be done so that self.find_map() works correctly: self.sort_modes()
[docs] def add_constraint(self,(name,distribution)): """ Add a supplementary constraint to the list of constraints. :param constraint: supplementary constraint :type constraint: (string, :py:class:`Distribution`) """ # look for single letter constraints and "translate" them to their full name: if (name == "T"): name = "Teff" if (name == "L"): name = "Luminosity" if (name == "R"): name = "Radius" if (name == "M"): name = "M_H" if (name == "G"): name = "log_g" self.constraints.append((name,distribution))
[docs] def guess_dnu(self,with_n=False): """ Guess the large frequency separation based on the radial modes. :param with_n: specifies whether to use the n values already stored with each mode, when calculating the large frequency separation. :type with_n: boolean :return: the large frequency separation :rtype: float """ nmodes = len(self.modes) if (with_n): ind = np.arange(nmodes) else: # find index with mode order according to (l,freq): ind = np.lexsort(([mode.freq for mode in self.modes], \ [mode.l for mode in self.modes])) # sorts by l, then freq # find minimun frequency difference between radial modes as # a first estimate of the large frequency separation: min_diff = np.nan for i in xrange(1,nmodes): if (self.modes[ind[i]].l != 0): break diff = self.modes[ind[i]].freq - self.modes[ind[i-1]].freq # the following condition is "nan-resistant": if (not min_diff < diff): min_diff = diff # easy exit: if (min_diff != min_diff): print "WARNING: cannot find large frequency separation" return np.nan # refine large frequency separation using a least squares approach # on the radial modes, using temporary radial orders based on the # previous estimate of the large frequency separation. ntemp = 0 one = n = nn = nu = nnu = 0.0 for i in xrange(nmodes): if (self.modes[ind[i]].l != 0): break if ((i > 0) and (not with_n)): ntemp += max(1,int(round((self.modes[ind[i]].freq-self.modes[ind[i-1]].freq)/min_diff))) if (with_n): ntemp = self.modes[ind[i]].n cnst = 1.0/self.modes[ind[i]].dfreq**2 one += cnst n += cnst*ntemp nn += cnst*ntemp*ntemp nu += cnst*self.modes[ind[i]].freq nnu += cnst*self.modes[ind[i]].freq*ntemp return (nnu*one-nu*n)/(nn*one-n**2)
[docs] def guess_n(self): """ Guess the radial order of the observed pulsations modes. This method uses the large frequency separation, as calculated with :py:meth:`guess_dnu`, to estimate the radial orders. These orders are subsequently adjusted to avoid multiple modes with the same identification. The resultant radial orders could be off by a constant offset, but this is not too problematic when computing frequency combinations or ratios. """ # obtain large frequency separation # (and sort modes according to (l,freq)) dnu = self.guess_dnu(with_n=False) # easy exit: if (np.isnan(dnu)): return # assign radial orders for mode in self.modes: mode.n = int(round(mode.freq/dnu - 1.0 - mode.l/2.0)) # avoid having two modes with the same n value: ind = np.lexsort(([mode.freq for mode in self.modes], \ [mode.l for mode in self.modes])) # sorts by l, then freq for i in xrange(len(self.modes)-2,0,-1): if ((self.modes[ind[i]].l == self.modes[ind[i+1]].l) and (self.modes[ind[i]].n == self.modes[ind[i+1]].n)): for j in xrange(i,0,-1): if (self.modes[ind[j]].l != self.modes[ind[i]].l): break self.modes[ind[j]].n -= 1
[docs] def assign_n(self,my_model): """ Assign the radial orders based on proximity to theoretical frequencies from an input model. :param my_model: input model :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` """ mode_map, nmissing = self.find_map(my_model, False) # easy exit: if (nmissing > 0): print "WARNING: unable to assign radial orders due to unmatched modes" return # assign radial orders for i in xrange(len(self.modes)): self.modes[i].n = my_model.modes['n'][mode_map[i]]
[docs] def clear_seismic_constraints(self): """ This clears the seismic constraints. Specifically, the list of seismic combinations, and associated covariance matrix and its inverse are reinitialised. """ self.cov = None self.invcov = None self.combinations = []
[docs] def add_seismic_constraint(self,string): """ Add seismic contraints based on the keyword given in ``string``. :param string: keyword which specifies the type of constraint to be added. Current options include: - ``nu``: individual frequencies - ``nu0``: individual frequencies (radial modes only) - ``nu_min0``: radial mode with minimum frequency - ``r02``: :math:`r_{02}` frequency ratios - ``r01``: :math:`r_{01}` frequency ratios - ``r10``: :math:`r_{10}` frequency ratios - ``dnu``: individual large frequency separations (using all modes) - ``dnu0``: individual large frequency separations (using radial modes only) - ``avg_dnu``: average large frequency separation (using all modes) - ``avg_dnu0``: average large frequency separation (using radial modes only) :type string: string """ if (string == "nu"): self.add_combinations(num_list=((0,0,1.0),)) return if (string == "nu0"): self.add_combinations(num_list=((0,0,1.0),),target_ell=0) return if (string == "nu_min0"): self.add_nu_min_constraint(target_ell=0) return if (string == "r02"): self.add_combinations(num_list=((0,0,1.0),(-1,2,-1.0)),den_list=((0,1,1.0),(-1,1,-1.0)),target_ell=0) return if (string == "r01"): self.add_combinations(num_list=((-1,0,0.125),(-1,1,-0.5),(0,0,0.75),(0,1,-0.5),(1,0,0.125)), \ den_list=((0,1,1.0),(-1,1,-1.0)),target_ell=0) return if (string == "r10"): self.add_combinations(num_list=((-1,0,-0.125),(0,-1,0.5),(0,0,-0.75),(1,-1,0.5),(1,0,-0.125)), \ den_list=((1,-1,1.0),(0,-1,-1.0)),target_ell=1) return if (string == "dnu"): self.add_combinations(num_list=((0,0,1.0),(-1,0,-1.0))) return if (string == "dnu0"): self.add_combinations(num_list=((0,0,1.0),(-1,0,-1.0)),target_ell=0) return if (string == "avg_dnu"): self.add_dnu_constraint(l_targets=None) return if (string == "avg_dnu0"): self.add_dnu_constraint(l_targets=[0]) return print "Unknown type of seismic constraint: ",string print "Skipping ..." return
[docs] def find_l_list(self, l_targets): """ Find a list of l values with the following properties: - each l value only occurs once - each l value given in the parameter ``l_targets`` is in the result l list, except if there is 1 or less modes with this l value - if the parameter ``l_targets`` is ``None``, look for all l values with 2 or more modes associated with them :param l_targets: input list of l values :type l_targets: list of int :return: new list of l values with the above properties :rtype: list of int """ # copy l_targets list to avoid modifying argument. Make sure # each l value only occurs once in the copy. Also, handle # the case l_targets is None: l_list = [] if (l_targets is None): for mode in self.modes: if (mode.l not in l_list): l_list.append(mode.l) else: for l in l_targets: if (l not in l_list): l_list.append(l) # count the number of modes with different l values l_num = np.zeros(len(l_list),dtype=np.int16) for mode in self.modes: if (mode.l in l_list): l_num[l_list.index(mode.l)] += 1 # remove l values from list if there are less than 2 modes with # that value (iterate backwards to avoid problems with shifting # indices). for i in xrange(len(l_list)-1,-1,-1): if (l_num[i] < 2): del l_num[i], l_list[i] return l_list
[docs] def add_dnu_constraint_matrix(self, l_targets=[0]): """ Add the large frequency separation as a contraint. The coefficients are obtained via a least-squares approach. The approach taken here has two advantages: 1. Correlations between the large frequency separation and other seismic constraints will be taken into account. 2. The same modes will be used in the same way, both for the observations and the models. :param l_targets: specifies for which l values the large frequency separation is to be calculated. If ``None`` is supplied, all modes will be used. :type l_targets: list of int .. note:: This uses a matrix approach and is therefore *not* the prefered method. """ l_list = self.find_l_list(l_targets) # easy exit: if (len(l_list) == 0): print "WARNING: unable to find large frequency separation for given l targets." print "Try including other l values in l_targets, or expanding your set of" print "observations." return # set up linear system and invert it: n = len(l_list) + 1 mat = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=np.float64) v = np.zeros(n,dtype=np.float64) for mode in self.modes: if (mode.l not in l_list): continue cnst = 1.0/(mode.dfreq*mode.dfreq) ndx = l_list.index(mode.l) + 1 mat[0,0] += cnst*mode.n*mode.n mat[0,ndx] += cnst*mode.n mat[ndx,0] += cnst*mode.n mat[ndx,ndx] += cnst v[0] += cnst*mode.freq*mode.n v[ndx] += cnst*mode.freq invmat = np.linalg.inv(mat) # create associated mode combination a_combination = Combination() for j in xrange(len(self.modes)): if (self.modes[j].l not in l_list): continue ndx = l_list.index(self.modes[j].l) + 1 a_combination.add_num(j,(invmat[0,0]*self.modes[j].n + invmat[0,ndx])/self.modes[j].dfreq**2) # find dnu: value =[0,:],v) a_combination.value = value a_combination.num = value a_combination.den = 1.0 print "Number of added seismic constraints: 1" self.combinations.append(a_combination)
[docs] def add_dnu_constraint(self, l_targets=[0]): """ Add the large frequency separation as a contraint. The coefficients are obtained via a least-squares approach. The approach taken here has two advantages: 1. Correlations between the large frequency separation and other seismic constraints will be taken into account. 2. The same modes will be used in the same way, both for the observations and the models. :param l_targets: specifies for which l values the large frequency separation is to be calculated. If ``None`` is supplied, all modes will be used. :type l_targets: list of int .. note:: This uses an analytical approach and is therefore the prefered method. """ l_list = self.find_l_list(l_targets) # easy exit: if (len(l_list) == 0): print "WARNING: unable to find large frequency separation for given l targets." print "Try including other l values in l_targets, or expanding your set of" print "observations." return # find various summed quantities: n = len(l_list) m = np.zeros((n,2),dtype=np.float64) nn = 0.0 for mode in self.modes: if (mode.l not in l_list): continue cnst = 1.0/(mode.dfreq*mode.dfreq) ndx = l_list.index(mode.l) m[ndx,0] += cnst m[ndx,1] += cnst*mode.n nn += cnst*mode.n*mode.n det = nn for i in xrange(n): det -= m[i,1]*m[i,1]/m[i,0] # create associated mode combination a_combination = Combination() value = 0.0 for j in xrange(len(self.modes)): if (self.modes[j].l not in l_list): continue ndx = l_list.index(self.modes[j].l) coeff = (self.modes[j].n - m[ndx,1]/m[ndx,0])/(det*self.modes[j].dfreq**2) a_combination.add_num(j,coeff) value += coeff * self.modes[j].freq # find dnu: a_combination.value = value a_combination.num = value a_combination.den = 1.0 print "Number of added seismic constraints: 1" self.combinations.append(a_combination)
[docs] def add_nu_min_constraint(self, target_ell=0, min_n=False): """ Add the minimun frequency/mode of a specific ell value as a seismic constraint. Typically, such constraints are used as an "anchor" when combined with constraints based on frequency ratios. :param target_ell: ell value of the minimum frequency/mode :param min_n: if ``False``, look for minimum observational frequency. If ``True``, look for minimum radial order. :type target_ell: int :type min_n: boolean """ ndx = -1 min_val = np.nan for j in xrange(len(self.modes)): if (self.modes[j].l != target_ell): continue if (min_n): value = self.modes[j].n else: value = self.modes[j].freq # a nan-resistant condition: if (value >= min_val): continue min_val = value ndx = j if (ndx != -1): a_combination = Combination() a_combination.add_num(ndx,1.0) a_combination.value = self.modes[ndx].freq a_combination.num = self.modes[ndx].freq a_combination.den = 1.0 self.combinations.append(a_combination) print "Number of added seismic constraints: 1"
[docs] def add_combinations(self,num_list,den_list=[],target_ell=None): """ This finds the indices of modes which intervene in a frequency combination or ratio, as specified by the mandatory and optional arguments. These indices, the relevant coefficients, the numerator, the denominator, and the resultant value of the combination are stored in the :py:data:`combinations` variable. :param num_list: list of relative mode identifications and coefficients used to define a frequency combination or the numerator of a frequency ratio. This list contains tuples of the form (delta n, delta l, coeff). :param den_list: list of relative mode identifications and coefficients used to define the denominator of a frequency ratio. If absent, then, it is assumed that a linear combination of frequencies is represented. The form is the same as for ``num_list``. :param target_ell: this is used to impose a specific l value on the first selected mode. :type num_list: list of (int,int,float) :type den_list: list of (int,int,float) :type target_ell: int """ # find indices of modes which follow the specified pattern n = 0 for i in xrange(len(self.modes)): if ((target_ell is not None) and (self.modes[i].l != target_ell)): continue a_combination = Combination() skipMode = False num = 0.0 for (n_diff, l_diff, coeff) in num_list: target_mode = Mode(self.modes[i].n+n_diff,self.modes[i].l+l_diff,0.0,0.0) for j in xrange(len(self.modes)): if (target_mode.match(self.modes[j])): a_combination.add_num(j,coeff) num += coeff*self.modes[j].freq break else: skipMode = True break if (skipMode): continue den = 0.0 for (n_diff, l_diff, coeff) in den_list: target_mode = Mode(self.modes[i].n+n_diff,self.modes[i].l+l_diff,0.0,0.0) for j in xrange(len(self.modes)): if (target_mode.match(self.modes[j])): a_combination.add_den(j,coeff) den += coeff*self.modes[j].freq break else: skipMode = True break if (skipMode): continue if (len(den_list) > 0): a_combination.value = num/den a_combination.num = num a_combination.den = den else: a_combination.value = num a_combination.num = num a_combination.den = 1.0 self.combinations.append(a_combination) n += 1 print "Number of added seismic constraints: ", n
[docs] def find_covariance(self): """ This prepares the covariance matrix and its inverse based on the frequency combinations in :py:data:`combinations`. .. warning:: This method should be called *after* all of the methods which add to the list of frequency combinations. """ n = len(self.combinations) self.cov = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=np.float64) for i in xrange(n): vec1 = self.find_vec(self.combinations[i]) for j in xrange(n): vec2 = self.find_vec(self.combinations[j]) for k in xrange(len(self.modes)): self.cov[i][j] += vec1[k]*vec2[k]*self.modes[k].dfreq*self.modes[k].dfreq self.invcov = np.linalg.inv(self.cov)
[docs] def find_vec(self,a_combination): """ This finds a set of coefficients which intervene when constructing the coviance matrix for frequency combinations. :param a_combination: variable which specifies the frequency combination. :type a_combination: :py:class:`Combination` :return: the above set of coefficients :rtype: np.array """ vec = np.zeros(len(self.modes),dtype=np.float64) if (len(a_combination.den_index) == 0): for j, coeff in zip(a_combination.num_index, a_combination.num_coeff): vec[j] += coeff else: num = 0.0 for j, coeff in zip(a_combination.num_index, a_combination.num_coeff): vec[j] += coeff/a_combination.den for j, coeff in zip(a_combination.den_index, a_combination.den_coeff): vec[j] -= coeff*a_combination.value/a_combination.den return vec
[docs] def apply_constraints(self,my_model): """ Calculate a :math:`\chi^2` value for the set of constraints (excluding seismic constraints based on mode frequencies). :param my_model: model for which the :math:`\chi^2` value is being calculated :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :return: the :math:`\chi^2` value deduced from classic constraints :rtype: float """ chi2 = 0.0 for constraint in self.constraints: (string, distrib) = constraint chi2 += distrib(my_model.string_to_param(string)) return chi2
[docs] def find_map(self, my_model, use_n): """ This finds a map which indicates the correspondance between observed modes and theoretical modes from ``my_model``. :param my_model: model for which the :math:`\chi^2` value is being calculated :param use_n: specify whether to use the radial order when finding the map from observed modes to theoretical modes. If ``False``, the map is based on frequency proximity. :type m_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :type use_n: boolean :return: the correspondance between observed and theoretical modes from the above model, and the number of observed modes which weren't mapped onto theoretical modes :rtype: list of int, int .. note:: - a value of -1 is used to indicate that no theoretical mode corresponds to a particular observed mode. - only zero or one observed mode is allowed to correspond to a theoretical mode """ size_obs = len(self.modes) size_mod = len(my_model.modes) iobs = imod = 0 nmissing = 0 mode_map = [-1,]*size_obs if (use_n): # No, this is not a mistake - you wan't to use the local value of use_n, not the # one from # NOTE: this assumes the observed modes are sorted according to (l,n) while((iobs < size_obs) and (imod < size_mod)): if (my_model.modes['l'][imod] < self.modes[iobs].l): imod+=1; continue if (my_model.modes['l'][imod] > self.modes[iobs].l): iobs+=1; nmissing+=1; continue if (my_model.modes['n'][imod] < self.modes[iobs].n): imod+=1; continue if (my_model.modes['n'][imod] > self.modes[iobs].n): iobs+=1; nmissing+=1; continue mode_map[iobs] = imod imod+=1 iobs+=1 else: # NOTE: this assumes the observed modes are sorted according to (l,freq) # sorts by l, then freq ind = np.lexsort((np.copy(my_model.modes['freq']), np.copy(my_model.modes['l']))) diffs = np.zeros((size_obs,),dtype=np.float64) # This is a two step process: # 1. The first step finds the nearest theoretical mode to # each observed mode. # 2. When a theoretical mode has several observed modes that # correspond to it, only the nearest observed mode is kept. # The other observed modes are no longer mapped to the # theoretical mode and become "missing". # Step 1: find nearest theoretical modes while((iobs < size_obs) and (imod < size_mod)): imod1 = ind[imod] if (my_model.modes['l'][imod1] < self.modes[iobs].l): imod+=1; continue if (my_model.modes['l'][imod1] > self.modes[iobs].l): iobs+=1; nmissing+=1; continue if (my_model.modes['freq'][imod1]*my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref] < self.modes[iobs].freq): imod+=1; continue # at this point freq_theo > freq_obs: diff2 = my_model.modes['freq'][imod1]*my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref]-self.modes[iobs].freq if (imod > 0): imod0 = ind[imod-1] if (my_model.modes['l'][imod0] == self.modes[iobs].l): diff1 = self.modes[iobs].freq-my_model.modes['freq'][imod0]*my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref] if (diff1 < diff2): mode_map[iobs] = imod0 diffs[iobs] = diff1 else: mode_map[iobs] = imod1 diffs[iobs] = diff2 else: mode_map[iobs] = imod1 diffs[iobs] = diff2 else: mode_map[iobs] = imod1 diffs[iobs] = diff2 iobs+=1 # Step 2: filter out cases where more than one observed mode # corresponds to the same theoretical mode. for elt in mode_map: if (elt == -1): continue lst = [i for i in xrange(size_obs) if mode_map[i] == elt] if (len(lst) < 2): continue j = np.argmin(diffs[lst]) for jj in xrange(len(lst)): if (jj == j): continue mode_map[lst[jj]] = -1 nmissing += (len(lst)-1) # keep track of the number of missing modes: nmissing += (size_obs-iobs) return mode_map, nmissing
[docs] def compare_frequency_combinations(self, my_model, mode_map, a=[]): """ This finds a :math:`\chi^2` value based on a comparison of frequencies combinations, as defined in the :py:data:`combinations` variable. :param my_model: model for which the :math:`\chi^2` value is being calculated :param mode_map: a mapping which relates observed modes to theoretical ones :param a: parameters of surface correction terms :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :type mode_map: list of int :type a: array-like :return: the :math:`\chi^2` value for the seismic constraints :rtype: float """ freq = my_model.get_freq(surface_option=config.surface_option,a=a) n = len(self.combinations) dvalues = np.zeros(n,dtype = np.float64) for i in xrange(n): for j,coeff in zip(self.combinations[i].num_index,self.combinations[i].num_coeff): if (mode_map[j] == -1): return log0 # penalise missing modes dvalues[i] += coeff*freq[mode_map[j]] if (len(self.combinations[i].den_index) > 0): den = 0.0 for j,coeff in zip(self.combinations[i].den_index,self.combinations[i].den_coeff): if (mode_map[j] == -1): return log0 # penalise missing modes den += coeff*freq[mode_map[j]] dvalues[i] /= den else: # don't forget: the model frequencies are non-dimensional dvalues[i] *= my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref] dvalues[i] -= self.combinations[i].value return,,dvalues))/2.0
[docs] def get_optimal_surface_amplitudes(self, my_model, mode_map): """ Find optimal surface correction amplitude, for the surface correction specified by ``surface_option``. :param my_model: the model for which we're finding the surface correction amplitude :param mode_map: a mapping which relates observed modes to theoretical ones :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :type mode_map: list of int :return: optimal surface correction amplitudes :rtype: np.array """ n = len(self.modes) X = np.zeros((nsurf,n),dtype=np.float64) Y = np.zeros((n,),dtype=np.float64) for i in xrange(nsurf): a = np.zeros(nsurf,dtype=np.float64) a[i] = 1.0 dsurf = my_model.get_surface_correction(config.surface_option,a) for j in xrange(n): X[i,j] = dsurf[mode_map[j]]/self.modes[j].dfreq for i in xrange(n): Y[i] = (self.modes[i].freq/my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref] \ - my_model.modes['freq'][mode_map[i]]) / self.modes[i].dfreq mat = np.zeros((nsurf,nsurf),dtype=np.float64) b = np.zeros((nsurf,),dtype=np.float64) for i in xrange(nsurf): b[i] =[i,:],Y) for j in xrange(i,nsurf): mat[i,j] =[i,:],X[j,:]) mat[j,i] = mat[i,j] # if mat is singular, use np.linalg.lstsq(mat,b) instead return np.linalg.solve(mat,b)
[docs] def evaluate(self, my_model): """ Calculate ln of likelihood function (i.e. a :math:`\chi^2` value) for a given model. :param my_model: model for which the :math:`\chi^2` value is being calculated :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :return: the :math:`\chi^2` value, and optionally the optimal surface amplitudes (depending on the value of :py:data:`AIMS_configure.surface_option`) :rtype: float, np.array (optional) .. note:: This avoids model interpolation and can be used to gain time. """ chi2 = self.classic_weight*self.apply_constraints(my_model) mode_map, nmissing = self.find_map(my_model, config.use_n and config.read_n) if (config.surface_option is None): if (nmissing > 0): #print "Missing modes in ", return log0 chi2 += self.seismic_weight*self.compare_frequency_combinations(my_model,mode_map) return chi2 else: if (nmissing > 0): #print "Missing modes in ", return log0, [0.0]*nsurf optimal_amplitudes = self.get_optimal_surface_amplitudes(my_model, mode_map) chi2 += self.seismic_weight*self.compare_frequency_combinations(my_model,mode_map,a=optimal_amplitudes) return chi2, optimal_amplitudes
def __call__(self, params): """ Calculate ln of likelihood function (i.e. a :math:`\chi^2` value) for a given set of parameters. :param params: set of parmaeters for which the :math:`\chi^2` value is being calculated. :type params: array-like :return: the :math:`\chi^2` value :rtype: float .. note:: If surface corrections are applied, then the last element(s) of params is/are assumed to be surface correction amplitude(s). """ if (params is None): return log0 my_model = model.interpolate_model(grid,params[0:ndims-nsurf],grid.tessellation,grid.ndx) if (my_model is None): return log0 mode_map, nmissing = self.find_map(my_model, config.use_n) if (nmissing > 0): return log0 chi2 = self.seismic_weight*self.compare_frequency_combinations(my_model,mode_map,a=params[ndims-nsurf:ndims]) chi2 += self.classic_weight*self.apply_constraints(my_model) return chi2
[docs] def is_outside(self, params): """ Test to see if the given set of parameters lies outside the grid of models. This is done by evaluate the probability and seeing if the result indicates this. :param params: input set of parameters :type params: array-like :return: ``True`` if the set of parameters corresponds to a point outside the grid. :rtype: boolean """ # the following condition is "nan-resistant": return not (self(params) >= threshold)
[docs]class Probability: """ A class which combines the priors and likelihood function, and allows the the user to evalute ln of the product of these. """ def __init__(self,_priors,_likelihood): """ :param _priors: input set of priors :param _likelihood: input likelihood function :type _priors: :py:class:`Prior_list` :type _likelihood: :py:class:`Likelihood` """ self.priors = _priors """The set of priors.""" self.likelihood = _likelihood """The likelihood function."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, my_model): """ Evalulate the ln of the product of the priors and likelihood function, i.e. the probability, for a given model, to within an additive constant. :param my_model: input model :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :return: the ln of the probability :rtype: float .. note:: This avoids model interpolation and can be used to gain time. """ if (config.surface_option is None): result1 = self.likelihood.evaluate(my_model) result2 = self.priors(map(my_model.string_to_param,grid_params_MCMC)) else: result1, surf_amplitudes = self.likelihood.evaluate(my_model) result2 = self.priors(map(my_model.string_to_param,grid_params_MCMC)+list(surf_amplitudes)) #result2 = self.priors(map(my_model.string_to_param,grid_params_MCMC)+[0,]*nsurf) # ignores prior on surface_amplitude return result1 + result2
def __call__(self, params): """ Evalulate the ln of the product of the priors and likelihood function, i.e. the probability, for a given model, to within an additive constant. :return: the ln of the probability :rtype: float :param params: input set of parameters :type params: array-like """ result1 = self.likelihood(params) result2 = self.priors(params) return result1 + result2
[docs]def check_configuration(): """ Test the values of the variables in check_configuration to make sure they're acceptable. If an unacceptable value is found, then this will stop AIMS and explain what variable has an erroneous value. """ assert ((config.nwalkers%2) == 0), "nwalkers should be even. Please modify" return
[docs]def write_binary_data(infile,outfile): """ Read an ascii file with a grid of models, and write corresponding binary file. :param infile: input ascii file name :param outfile: output binary file name :type infile: string :type outfile: string """ grid = model.Model_grid() grid.read_model_list(infile) grid.tessellate() output = open(outfile,"w") dill.dump(grid,output) output.close() grid.plot_tessellation()
[docs]def load_binary_data(filename): """ Read a binary file with a grid of models. :param filename: name of file with grid in binary format :type filename: string :return: the grid of models :rtype: :py:class:`model.Model_grid` """ input_data = open(filename,"r") grid = dill.load(input_data) input_data.close() return grid
[docs]def find_best_model(): """ Scan through grid of models to find "best" model for a given probability function (i.e. the product of priors and a likelihood function). """ aux = range(len(grid.tracks)) # find best models in each track, in a parallelised way: results = my_map(find_best_model_in_track,aux) global best_grid_model, best_grid_params, best_grid_result best_grid_result = log0 best_grid_model = None for (result,model) in results: if (result > best_grid_result): best_grid_result = result best_grid_model = model best_grid_params = map(best_grid_model.string_to_param,grid_params_MCMC) if (config.surface_option is not None): mode_map, nmissing = prob.likelihood.find_map(best_grid_model, config.use_n and config.read_n) if (nmissing > 0): print "An unexpected error occured. Please contact the authors of AIMS." optimal_amplitudes = prob.likelihood.get_optimal_surface_amplitudes(best_grid_model, mode_map) best_grid_params = best_grid_params + list(optimal_amplitudes) best_grid_params = best_grid_params + map(best_grid_model.string_to_param,config.output_params) print "Best model: ", best_grid_result, best_grid_params
[docs]def find_best_model_in_track(ntrack): """ Scan through an evolutionary track to find "best" model for :py:data:`prob`, the probability function (i.e. the product of priors and a likelihood function). :param ntrack: number of the evolutionary track :type ntrack: int :return: the ln(probability) value, and the "best" model :rtype: (float, :py:class:`model.Model`) """ best_result_local = log0 best_model_local = None for model in grid.tracks[ntrack].models: result = prob.evaluate(model) if (result > best_result_local): best_result_local = result best_model_local = model return (best_result_local, best_model_local)
[docs]def init_walkers(): """ Initialise the walkers used in emcee. :return: array of starting parameters :rtype: np.array """ # set up initial distributions according to the value of config.tight_ball: if (config.tight_ball): # create probability distributions for a tight ball: initial_distributions = Prior_list() # just reuse the same class as for the priors for param_name in grid_params_MCMC_with_surf: # the star notation unpacks the tuple: initial_distributions.add_prior(Distribution(*config.tight_ball_range[param_name])) # find the best model: find_best_model() # recentre tight ball around best model and renormalise if need be: for i in xrange(ndims): initial_distributions.priors[i].re_centre(best_grid_params[i]) # deal with surface terms: if (i >= ndims-nsurf): initial_distributions.priors[i].re_normalise(abs(best_grid_params[i])) else: # set the initial distributions to the priors initial_distributions = prob.priors if (config.PT): p0 = np.zeros([config.ntemps, config.nwalkers, ndims]) for k in xrange(config.ntemps): for j in xrange(config.nwalkers): params = None counter = 0 while (prob.likelihood.is_outside(params)): if (counter > config.max_iter): sys.exit("ERROR: too many iterations to produce walker. Aborting") params = initial_distributions.realisation() counter+=1 for i in xrange(ndims): p0[k,j,i] = params[i] else: p0 = np.zeros([config.nwalkers, ndims]) for j in xrange(config.nwalkers): params = None counter = 0 while (prob.likelihood.is_outside(params)): if (counter > config.max_iter): print "Walker number: ", j sys.exit("ERROR: too many iterations to produce walker. Aborting") params = initial_distributions.realisation() counter+=1 for i in xrange(ndims): p0[j,i] = params[i] return p0
[docs]def run_emcee(): """ Run the emcee program. :return: the ``emcee`` sampler for the MCMC run """ print "Number of walkers: ", config.nwalkers print "Number of steps: ", config.nsteps if (config.PT): print "Number of temp.: ", config.ntemps sampler = emcee.PTSampler(config.ntemps, config.nwalkers, ndims, prob.likelihood, prob.priors, pool=pool) # initial burn-in: for p, lnprob, lnlike in sampler.sample(p0, iterations = config.nsteps0): pass # production run: sampler.reset() for p, lnprob, lnlike in sampler.sample(p, lnprob0 = lnprob, lnlike0 = lnlike, iterations = config.nsteps): pass else: sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(config.nwalkers, ndims, prob, pool=pool) # initial burn-in: p, new_prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0,config.nsteps0) # production run: sampler.reset() p, new_prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p,config.nsteps) # Print acceptance fraction print("Mean acceptance fraction: {0:.5f}".format(np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction))) # Estimate the integrated autocorrelation time for the time series in each parameter. print "Autocorrelation time: ", sampler.get_autocorr_time() return sampler
[docs]def find_blobs(samples): """ Find blobs (i.e. supplementary output parameters) from a set of samples (i.e. for multiple models). :param samples: input set of samples :type samples: list/array of array-like :return: set of supplementary output parameters :rtype: np.array """ blobs = my_map(find_a_blob,samples) return np.asarray(blobs)
[docs]def find_a_blob(params): """ Find a blob (i.e. supplementary output parameters) for a given set of parameters (for one model). The blob also includes the log(P) value as a first entry. :param params: input set of parameters :type params: array-like :return: list of supplementary output parameters :rtype: list of floats """ my_model = model.interpolate_model(grid,params[0:ndims-nsurf],grid.tessellation,grid.ndx) return map(my_model.string_to_param,config.output_params)
[docs]def write_samples(filename, labels, samples): """ Write raw samples to a file. :param filename: name of file in which to write the samples :param labels: names of relevant variables (used to write a header) :param samples: samples for which statistical properties are calculated :type filename: string :type labels: list of strings :type samples: array-like """ # write results to file (m,n) = np.shape(samples) output_file = open(filename,"w") output_file.write("#") for label in labels: output_file.write(' {0:22}'.format(label)) output_file.write("\n ") for i in xrange(m): for j in xrange(n): output_file.write(' {0:22.15e}'.format(samples[i,j])) output_file.write("\n ") output_file.close()
[docs]def write_statistics(filename, labels, samples): """ Write statistical properties based on a sequence of realisations to a file. The results include: - average values for each variable (statistical mean) - error bars for each variable (standard mean deviation) - correlation matrix between the different variables :param filename: name of file in which to write the statistical properties :param labels: names of relevant variables :param samples: samples for which statistical properties are calculated :type filename: string :type labels: list of strings :type samples: np.array """ # initialisation (m,n) = np.shape(samples) average = samples.sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64)/(1.0*m) covariance = np.zeros((n,n), dtype=np.float64) # find covariance matrix: for i in xrange(n): for j in xrange(i+1): covariance[i,j] =[:,i]-average[i],samples[:,j]-average[j])/(1.0*m) covariance[j,i] = covariance[i,j] # write results to file output_file = open(filename,"w") output_file.write("Summary\n=======\n"); for i in xrange(n): output_file.write('{0:25} {1:25.15e} {2:25.15e}\n'.format(labels[i], \ average[i],math.sqrt(covariance[i,i]))) output_file.write("\nCorrelation matrix\n==================\n"); output_file.write('{0:25} '.format(" ")) for i in xrange(n): output_file.write('{0:25} '.format(labels[i])) output_file.write("\n") for i in xrange(n): output_file.write('{0:25} '.format(labels[i])) for j in xrange(n): output_file.write('{0:25.15e} '.format(covariance[i,j] \ /math.sqrt(covariance[i,i]*covariance[j,j]))) output_file.write("\n") output_file.close()
[docs]def write_LEGACY_summary(filename, KIC, labels, samples): """ Write a one line summary of the statistical properties based on a sequence of realisations to a file. The format matches that of the LEGACY project. The results include: - average values for each variable (statistical mean) - error bars for each variable (standard mean deviation) :param filename: name of file in which to write the statistical properties :param KIC: KIC number of the star :param labels: names of relevant variables :param samples: samples for which statistical properties are calculated :type filename: string :type KIC: string :type labels: list of strings :type samples: np.array """ # initialisation (m,n) = np.shape(samples) average = samples.sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64)/(1.0*m) uncertainties = np.zeros((n,), dtype=np.float64) # find covariance matrix: for i in xrange(n): uncertainties[i] = math.sqrt([:,i]-average[i],samples[:,i]-average[i])/(1.0*m)) # write results to file output_file = open(filename,"w") output_file.write(KIC) print n print labels print average i = labels.index("Radius") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("Mass") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("log_g") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("Rho") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("Age") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("Teff") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("Fe_H") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) # MCore output_file.write(" -99.999 -99.999 -99.999") # RCore output_file.write(" -99.999 -99.999 -99.999") # Mbcz output_file.write(" -99.999 -99.999 -99.999") # Rbcz output_file.write(" -99.999 -99.999 -99.999") i = labels.index("Luminosity") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("X") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) i = labels.index("Y") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) # Xsup output_file.write(" -99.999 -99.999 -99.999") # Ysup output_file.write(" -99.999 -99.999 -99.999") i = labels.index("Xc") output_file.write(" %f %f %f"%(average[i],uncertainties[i],-uncertainties[i])) # Ycen output_file.write(" -99.999 -99.999 -99.999") output_file.write("\n") output_file.close()
[docs]def write_readme(filename): """ Write parameters relevant to this MCMC run. :param filename: name of file in which to write the statistical properties :type filename: string """ # various format related strings: boolean2str = ("False","True") str_decimal = "{0:40}{1:d}\n" str_string = "{0:40}{1:40}\n" str_float = "{0:40}{1:22.15e}\n" output_file = open(filename,"w") output_file.write(string_to_title("Observational constraints")) output_file.write(str_decimal.format("Number of modes",len(prob.likelihood.modes))) output_file.write("# NOTE: the radial orders may have been recalculated (see Radial orders section)\n") output_file.write("{0:4} {1:4} {2:17} {3:17}\n".format("l","n","freq","dfreq")) for mode in prob.likelihood.modes: output_file.write("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:17.10e} {3:17.10e}\n".format( \ mode.l, mode.n, mode.freq, mode.dfreq)) for (param,distrib) in prob.likelihood.constraints: output_file.write(str_string.format(param,distrib.to_string())) output_file.write(str_string.format("Seismic constraints",config.seismic_constraints)) output_file.write(str_string.format("Surface option",config.surface_option)) output_file.write(string_to_title("Priors")) for name,distribution in zip(grid_params_MCMC_with_surf, prob.priors.priors): output_file.write(str_string.format("Prior on "+name,distribution.to_string())) nseismic = len(prob.likelihood.combinations) nclassic = len(prob.likelihood.constraints) output_file.write(string_to_title("Weighting")) output_file.write(str_string.format("Weight option",config.weight_option)) output_file.write(str_float.format("Absolute seismic weight",prob.likelihood.seismic_weight)) output_file.write(str_float.format("Absolute classic weight",prob.likelihood.classic_weight)) output_file.write(str_float.format("Relative seismic weight",prob.likelihood.seismic_weight*float(nseismic)/float(nclassic))) output_file.write(str_float.format("Relative classic weight",prob.likelihood.classic_weight)) output_file.write(string_to_title("Radial orders")) output_file.write(str_string.format("Radial orders from input file",boolean2str[config.read_n])) output_file.write(str_string.format("Radial orders from best model",boolean2str[config.assign_n])) output_file.write(str_string.format("Use radial orders in mode map",boolean2str[config.use_n])) output_file.write(string_to_title("The grid")) output_file.write(str_string.format("Binary grid",config.binary_grid)) output_file.write(string_to_title("EMCEE parameters")) output_file.write(str_string.format("With parallel tempering",boolean2str[config.PT])) if (config.PT): output_file.write(str_decimal.format("Number of temperatures",config.ntemps)) output_file.write(str_decimal.format("Number of walkers",config.nwalkers)) output_file.write(str_decimal.format("Number of burn-in steps",config.nsteps0)) output_file.write(str_decimal.format("Number of production steps",config.nsteps)) output_file.write(str_decimal.format("Thinning parameter",config.thin)) output_file.write(string_to_title("Initialisation")) output_file.write(str_string.format("Initialise with a tight ball",boolean2str[config.tight_ball])) if (config.tight_ball): for name in grid_params_MCMC_with_surf: output_file.write(str_string.format("Tight ball range on "+name, \ config.tight_ball_range[name])) output_file.write(string_to_title("Output")) output_file.write(str_string.format("List of output parameters",config.output_params)) output_file.write(str_string.format("Plot walkers",boolean2str[config.with_walkers])) output_file.write(str_string.format("Plot echelle diagrams",boolean2str[config.with_echelle])) output_file.write(str_string.format("Plot histograms",boolean2str[config.with_histograms])) output_file.write(str_string.format("Plot triangle plots",boolean2str[config.with_triangles])) output_file.write(str_string.format("List of plot extensions",config.plot_extensions)) output_file.write(str_string.format("List of triangle plot extensions",config.tri_extensions)) output_file.close()
[docs]def write_combinations(filename,samples): """ Produce a list of linear combinations of grid models (based on interpolation) corresponding to the provided model parameters. :param filename: name of the file to which to write the model combinations :param samples: set of model parameters for which we would like to obtain the grid models and interpolation coefficients :type filename: string :type samples: np.array """ output_file = open(filename,"w") output_file.write("{0:s} {1:e}\n".format(grid.prefix,constants.G)) for params in samples: results = model.find_combination(grid,params[0:ndims-nsurf]) my_model = model.interpolate_model(grid,params[0:ndims-nsurf],grid.tessellation,grid.ndx) if (results is None): continue # filter out combinations outside the grid output_file.write("{0:d} {1:.15e} {2:.15e} {3:.15e} {4:.5f} {5:.5f} {6:.15e} {7:.5f}\n".format( len(results), my_model.glb[model.imass], my_model.glb[model.iradius], my_model.glb[model.iluminosity],my_model.glb[model.iz0], my_model.glb[model.ix0],my_model.glb[model.iage], my_model.glb[model.itemperature])) for (coef,model_name) in results: output_file.write("{0:.15f} {1:s}\n".format(coef, model_name)) output_file.write("\n") output_file.close()
[docs]def write_model(my_model,my_params,my_result,model_name): """ Write text file with caracteristics of input model. :param my_model: model for which we're writing a text file :param my_params: parameters of the model :param my_result: ln(P) value obtained for the model :param model_name: name used to describe this model. This is also used when naming the text file. :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :type my_params: array-like :type my_result: float :type model_name: string """ # initialisations: str_float = "{0:40}{1:22.15e}\n" param_names = grid_params_MCMC_with_surf + config.output_params mode_map, nmissing = prob.likelihood.find_map(my_model, config.use_n) output_file = open(os.path.join(output_folder,model_name+"_model.txt"),"w") output_file.write(string_to_title("Model: "+model_name)) output_file.write(str_float.format("ln(P)",my_result)) for name,value in zip(param_names,my_params): output_file.write(str_float.format(name,value)) output_file.write(string_to_title("Frequencies")) if (config.surface_option is None): output_file.write("{0:4} {1:4} {2:17} {3:17} {4:17}\n".format("l","n","freq_theo", \ "freq_obs", "dfreq_obs")) for i in xrange(len(mode_map)): j = mode_map[i] output_file.write("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:17.10e} {3:17.10e} {4:17.10e}\n".format( \ my_model.modes['l'][j], my_model.modes['n'][j], \ my_model.modes['freq'][j]*my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref], \ prob.likelihood.modes[i].freq, prob.likelihood.modes[i].dfreq)) else: freq = my_model.get_freq(surface_option=config.surface_option, a=my_params[ndims-nsurf:ndims]) output_file.write("{0:4} {1:4} {2:17} {3:17} {4:17} {5:17}\n".format("l","n", \ "freq_theo", "freq+surf. corr.", "freq_obs", "dfreq_obs")) for i in xrange(len(mode_map)): j = mode_map[i] output_file.write("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:17.10e} {3:17.10e} {4:17.10e} {5:17.10e}\n".format( \ my_model.modes['l'][j], my_model.modes['n'][j], \ my_model.modes['freq'][j]*my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref], \ freq[j]*my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref], prob.likelihood.modes[i].freq, \ prob.likelihood.modes[i].dfreq)) output_file.close()
[docs]def string_to_title(string): """ Create fancy title from string. :param string: string from which the title is created. :type string: string :return: the fancy string title :rtype: string """ n = len(string) ntitle = 80 nhalf = (ntitle - n - 6)/2 result = "\n"+"#"*ntitle + "\n" result += "#"*(ntitle - nhalf - n - 6) result += " "+string+" "+"#"*nhalf+"\n" result += "#"*ntitle + "\n" return result
[docs]def echelle_diagram(my_model,my_params,model_name): """ Write text file with caracteristics of input model. :param my_model: model for which we're writing a text file :param my_params: parameters of the model :param model_name: name used to describe this model. This is also used when naming the text file. :type my_model: :py:class:`model.Model` :type my_params: array-like :type model_name: string """ # initialisations: lmax = 3 msize = 6 mode_map, nmissing = prob.likelihood.find_map(my_model, config.use_n) dnu = prob.likelihood.guess_dnu(with_n=True) if (dnu < 1.0): dnu_str = "{0:7.2e}".format(dnu) elif (dnu < 10.0): dnu_str = "{0:4.2f}".format(dnu) elif (dnu < 100.0): dnu_str = "{0:4.1f}".format(dnu) elif (dnu < 1000.0): dnu_str = "{0:5.1f}".format(dnu) else: dnu_str = "{0:7.2e}".format(dnu) nu_obs = [None]*(lmax+1) error_obs = [None]*(lmax+1) nu_theo = [None]*(lmax+1) style = ["d","s","^","o"] # this should be modified if lmax is modified freq = my_model.get_freq(surface_option=None)*my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref] if (config.surface_option is not None): nu_theo_surf = [None]*(lmax+1) freq_surf = my_model.get_freq(surface_option=config.surface_option, \ a=my_params[ndims-nsurf:ndims]) \ * my_model.glb[model.ifreq_ref] # obtain frequency sets (and limits) nu_min = 1e300 nu_max =-1e300 for l in xrange(lmax+1): nu_obs[l] = np.array([mode.freq for mode in prob.likelihood.modes if mode.l == l]) error_obs[l] = np.array([mode.dfreq for mode in prob.likelihood.modes if mode.l == l]) nu_theo[l] = np.array([freq[mode_map[j]] for j in xrange(len(mode_map)) \ if (mode_map[j] != -1) and (my_model.modes['l'][mode_map[j]] == l)]) if (config.surface_option is not None): nu_theo_surf[l] = np.array([freq_surf[mode_map[j]] for j in xrange(len(mode_map)) \ if (mode_map[j] != -1) and (my_model.modes['l'][mode_map[j]] == l)]) if (nu_obs[l].shape[0] > 0): nu_min = min((nu_min,np.nanmin(nu_obs[l]))) nu_max = max((nu_max,np.nanmax(nu_obs[l]))) if (nu_theo[l].shape[0] > 0): nu_min = min((nu_min,np.nanmin(nu_theo[l]))) nu_max = max((nu_max,np.nanmax(nu_theo[l]))) nu_diff = nu_max - nu_min nu_min -= 0.05*nu_diff nu_max += 0.05*nu_diff # make the echelle diagram: # NOTE: (b)lue, (g)reen, (r)ed, (c)yan, (m)agenta, (y)ellow, (k) black, (w)hite plt.figure() plt.plot((dnu,dnu),(nu_min,nu_max),"k:") for l in xrange(lmax+1): plt.errorbar(nu_obs[l]%dnu, nu_obs[l], xerr=error_obs[l], fmt="r"+style[l], markersize=msize) if (config.surface_option is not None): for l in xrange(lmax+1): plt.plot(nu_theo_surf[l]%dnu, nu_theo_surf[l], "c"+style[l], markersize=msize) for l in xrange(lmax+1): plt.plot(nu_theo[l]%dnu, nu_theo[l], "b"+style[l], markersize=msize) plt.title("Model: "+model_name) plt.xlabel(r"Reduced frequency, $\nu$ mod "+dnu_str+r" $\mu$Hz") plt.ylabel(r"Frequency, $\nu$ (in $\mu$Hz)") plt.xlim((0.0,dnu*1.4)) plt.ylim((nu_min,nu_max)) # create a legend handles = [mpatches.Patch(color='red')] labels = [r'$\nu_{\mathrm{obs}}$'] handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color='blue')) labels.append(r'$\nu_{\mathrm{theo}}$') if (config.surface_option is not None): handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color='cyan')) labels.append(r'$\nu_{\mathrm{theo}}^{\mathrm{surf}}$') for l in xrange(lmax+1): handles.append(mlines.Line2D([],[], color='white', marker=style[l], markersize=msize, \ linestyle='None',drawstyle='steps-mid')) labels.append(r'$\ell='+"{0:d}".format(l)+r'$') plt.legend(handles, labels) # save plot for ext in config.plot_extensions: plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_folder,"echelle_"+model_name.replace(" ", "_")+"."+ext)) plt.clf()
[docs]def plot_walkers(samples, labels, filename, nw=3): """ Plot individual walkers. :param samples: samples from the emcee run :param labels: labels for the different dimensions in parameters space :param filename: specify name of file in which to save plots of walkers. :param nw: number of walkers to be plotted :type samples: np.array :type labels: list of strings :type filename: string :type nw: int .. warning:: This method must be applied before the samples are reshaped, and information on individual walkers lost. """ plt.figure() itr = np.arange(config.nsteps) for i in xrange(nw): for j in xrange(ndims): #plt.subplot(ndims*100+nw*10+1+i+j*nw) plt.subplot(ndims,nw,1+i+j*nw) plt.title(labels[j]) plt.plot(itr,samples[i,:,j],'-') for ext in config.plot_extensions: plt.savefig(filename+ext) plt.clf()
[docs]def plot_histograms(samples, names, fancy_names, truths=None): """ Plot a histogram based on a set of samples. :param samples: samples form the emcee run :param names: names of the quantities represented by the samples. This will be used when naming the file with the histogram :param fancy_names: name of the quantities represented by the samples. This will be used as the x-axis label in the histogram. :param truths: reference values (typically the true values or some other important values) to be added to the histograms as a vertical line :type samples: np.array :type names: list of strings :type fancy_names: list of strings :type truths: list of floats """ for i in xrange(len(names)): plt.figure() n, bins, patches = plt.hist(samples[:,i],50,normed=1,histtype='bar') if (truths is not None): ylim = plt.ylim() plt.plot([truths[i],truths[i]],ylim,'g-') plt.ylim(ylim) # restore limits, just in case plt.xlabel(fancy_names[i]) for ext in config.plot_extensions: plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_folder,"histogram_"+names[i]+"."+ext)) plt.clf()
[docs]def interpolation_tests(filename): """ Carry out various interpolation tests and write results in binary format to file. :param filename: name of file in which to write test results. :type filename: string .. note:: The contents of this file may be plotted using methods from ````. """ grid = load_binary_data(config.binary_grid) titles = map(model.string_to_latex,grid.grid_params+("Age",)) results_age1 = [track.test_interpolation(1) for track in grid.tracks] results_age2 = [track.test_interpolation(2) for track in grid.tracks] results_track, ndx1, ndx2, tessellation = grid.test_interpolation() output = open(filename,"w") dill.dump([grid.ndim+1, model.nglb, titles, grid.grid, ndx1, ndx2, tessellation, \ results_age1, results_age2, results_track],output) output.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": """ AIMS = Asteroseismic Inference on a Massive Scale """ # this if for writing binary data if (config.write_data): write_binary_data(config.list_grid,config.binary_grid) sys.exit(0) # this if for testing the interpolation if (config.test_interpolation): interpolation_tests(config.interpolation_file) sys.exit(0) # check number of arguments assert (len(sys.argv) > 1), "Usage: observations_file" # check parameters in check_configuration() print("AIMS = Asteroseismic Inferences on a Massive Scale") # create output folder: output_folder = os.path.join(config.output_dir,sys.argv[1]) if (os.path.exists(output_folder)): if (os.path.isfile(output_folder)): sys.exit("Unable to overwrite file with folder") else: os.makedirs(output_folder) # seed random number generator (NOTE: this is not thread-safe): np.random.seed() # define likelihood function: like = Likelihood() like.read_constraints(sys.argv[1],factor=1.0) print "Estimated large frequency separation (in microHz): ",like.guess_dnu(with_n=True) map(like.add_seismic_constraint,config.seismic_constraints) like.find_covariance() like.find_weights() # load grid and associated quantities grid = load_binary_data(config.binary_grid) grid_params_MCMC = grid.grid_params + ("Age",) grid_params_MCMC_with_surf = grid_params_MCMC \ + model.get_surface_parameter_names(config.surface_option) nsurf = len(model.get_surface_parameter_names(config.surface_option)) ndims = len(grid_params_MCMC_with_surf) # define priors: priors = Prior_list() for param_name in grid_params_MCMC_with_surf: # the star notation unpacks the tuple: priors.add_prior(Distribution(*config.priors[param_name])) # combine the above: prob = Probability(priors,like) # titles, labels, etc. labels = ["ln(P)"]+map(model.string_to_latex,grid_params_MCMC_with_surf) labels_big = labels + map(model.string_to_latex,config.output_params) names_big = ("lnP",)+grid_params_MCMC_with_surf + config.output_params # start pool of parallel processes # NOTE: multiprocessing.pool.TheadPool doesn't duplicate memory # like Pool, but can actually slow down execution (even # compared to non-parallel execution). if (config.parallel): pool = Pool(processes = config.nprocesses) my_map = else: pool = None my_map = map # initialised walkers: p0 = init_walkers() if (config.assign_n): if (best_grid_model is None): find_best_model() like.clear_seismic_constraints() like.assign_n(best_grid_model) like.sort_modes() map(like.add_seismic_constraint,config.seismic_constraints) like.find_covariance() like.find_weights() # run emcee: sampler = run_emcee() # Collect results: if (config.PT): samples = sampler.chain[0,...] lnprob = sampler.lnprobability[0,...] else: samples = sampler.chain lnprob = sampler.lnprobability # Write file with parameters used in this run write_readme(os.path.join(output_folder,"README")) # Various diagnostic which must be done before reshaping the samples: if (config.with_walkers): plot_walkers(samples, labels, os.path.join(output_folder,"walkers."), nw = 3) # Reshape the samples and obtain auxiliary quantities: # NOTE: choosing order='C' leads to much better sub-sampling since the # the thin_samples array is much more likely to draw from all of the # walkers rather than a subset. Otherwise, if order='F' and if # nwalkers is a multiple of thin, than only 1 out thin walkers # is used (and this leads to poor sampling, repititions, etc.). samples = samples.reshape((config.nwalkers*config.nsteps,ndims),order='C') lnprob = lnprob.reshape((config.nwalkers*config.nsteps,1),order='C') samples = np.concatenate((lnprob,samples),axis=1) thin_samples = samples[0::config.thin,:] blobs = find_blobs(thin_samples[:,1:]) samples_big = np.concatenate((thin_samples,blobs),axis=1) # end pool of parallel processes if (config.parallel): pool.close() pool.join() # write various text files: write_samples (os.path.join(output_folder,"samples.txt"), labels, samples) write_samples (os.path.join(output_folder,"samples_big.txt"), labels_big, samples_big) write_statistics(os.path.join(output_folder,"results.txt"), names_big[1:], samples[:,1:]) write_statistics(os.path.join(output_folder,"results_big.txt"), names_big[1:], samples_big[:,1:]) if (config.with_combinations): write_combinations(os.path.join(output_folder,"combinations.txt"),samples[0::config.thin_comb,1:]) # write best grid model write_model(best_grid_model,best_grid_params,best_grid_result,"best_grid") if (config.with_echelle): echelle_diagram(best_grid_model,best_grid_params,"Best grid") # find best MCMC model ndx_max = lnprob.argmax() best_MCMC_result = lnprob[ndx_max,0] best_MCMC_params = samples[ndx_max,1:] best_MCMC_params.reshape(ndims) best_MCMC_model = model.interpolate_model(grid,best_MCMC_params[0:ndims-nsurf],grid.tessellation,grid.ndx) best_MCMC_params = list(best_MCMC_params) + map(best_MCMC_model.string_to_param,config.output_params) write_model(best_MCMC_model,best_MCMC_params,best_MCMC_result,"best_MCMC") if (config.with_echelle): echelle_diagram(best_MCMC_model,best_MCMC_params,"Best MCMC") # find statistical model statistical_params = samples[:,1:].sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float64)/(1.0*config.nwalkers*config.nsteps) statistical_params.reshape(ndims) statistical_result = prob(statistical_params) statistical_model = model.interpolate_model(grid,statistical_params[0:ndims-nsurf],grid.tessellation,grid.ndx) statistical_params = list(statistical_params) + map(statistical_model.string_to_param,config.output_params) write_model(statistical_model,statistical_params,statistical_result,"statistical") if (config.with_echelle): echelle_diagram(statistical_model,statistical_params,"statistical") # write one line summary for the LEGACY project write_LEGACY_summary(os.path.join(output_folder,"LEGACY_summary.txt"), \ sys.argv[1][3:], names_big[1:], samples_big[:,1:]) # make various plots: if (best_grid_model is None): plot_histograms(samples[:,0:1],["lnP"],["ln(P)"]) else: plot_histograms(samples[:,0:1],["lnP"],["ln(P)"],truths=[best_grid_result]) if (config.with_histograms): plot_histograms(samples_big[:,1:],names_big[1:],labels_big[1:],truths=best_grid_params) if (config.with_triangles): fig = triangle.corner(samples[:,1:], truths=best_grid_params, labels=labels[1:]) for ext in config.tri_extensions: fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_folder,"triangle."+ext)) plt.close('all') fig = triangle.corner(samples_big[:,1:], truths=best_grid_params, labels=labels_big[1:]) for ext in config.tri_extensions: fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_folder,"triangle_big."+ext)) plt.close('all')