Turbulent cascade in the solar wind: anisotropy and dissipation
ma photo
17-21 September 2012

CIAS, Observatoire de Paris
5, place Jules Janssen
92190 Meudon, France

Meudon Turbulence Workshop 2012

The workshop "Turbulent cascade in the solar wind: anisotropy and dissipation" is organized by the Observatory of Paris-Meudon during the 3d week of September, 17-21/09/2012.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together space and plasma physicists, plasma astrophysicists and computational scientists interested in problems related to turbulence and to serve as a forum for intensive discussions and exchange of state-of-the-art research results.

The list of people giving a talk is about complete now (see program)

All participants will have a possibility to participate in round tables which are as follows (short, blackboard style presentations). They are encouraged to contact the round table leaders if they want to contribute.

List of Round Tables


O. Alexandrova (Observatoire de Paris, France)
V. Carbone (Univ. Calabria, Italy)
R. Grappin (Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas and Observatoire de Paris, France)
L. Sorriso-Valvo (Univ. Calabria, Italy)


O. Alexandrova (Observatoire de Paris, France)
R. Grappin (Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas and Observatoire de Paris, France)
N. Letourneur (Observatoire de Paris, France)