Predictions of stellar occultations by TNOs and Centaurs
This page presents the prediction of occultations by selected TNOs and Centaurs for the place with the following coordinates:
Longitude: 07°25'18.8"E | Latitude: 47°21'11.0"N |
Events for which the sun is below the horizon (i.e. sun's elevation smaller than 0°) and the object is above the horizon (i.e. object's elevation greater than 0°), are displayed in the following table.
Information about the table:
- Predictions can be filtered by date, object, star's magnitude, object elevation and probability of the event on the specified place. By default, magnitude limit is 18, minimal probability is 3% and object elevation limit is 10°;
- The G* magnitude is the G magnitude (from Gaia), normalized to a body moving at 20km/s in order to enhance very slow events (G* = G + 2.5 log (v/20) with v is the velocity in the skyplane (km/s));
- The probability is the probability to observe the occultation on the specified place. This depends on the distance to the centrality, the size of the object and the uncertainty in the geocentric closest approach;
- Type is defined by range of semi-major axis a. For simplification, we define any object with 4.9 ≤ a ≤ 5.5 au as Trojan, 9.0 ≤ a ≤ 29.8 au as Centaur, 29.8 ≤ a as TNO;
- By clicking on one map, you will find a specific page of the event, with the prediction map, occultation circumstances and the field of view with the occulted star.
- As the table may be long to display, events with a solar elongation greater than 20° are considered and filters on date and magnitude are initially applied. Do not hesitate to change the filters to see all the events.
Information about the maps:
- The straight and continue lines represents the shadow limits considering the estimated radius; when the shadow crosses the Earth's surface, the path is projected on the Earth;
- The blue dots are separated by a one-minute interval and the big blue dot corresponds to the nominal occultation time (which is the geocentric closest approach);
- The arrow shows the direction of the shadow motion;
- The 1-σ precision along the path is represented by the red dotted line;
- The G*, RP* and H* parameters are the G (visible from Gaia), RP (red photometry from Gaia) and H (from 2MASS) magnitudes, normalized to a body moving at 20km/s in order to enhance very slow events (G* = G + 2.5 log (v/20) with v is the velocity in the skyplane (km/s));
- The body offset is at the upper right corner, if JPL ephemeris is used;
- Areas in dark grey correspond to full night (Sun elevation below -18 degrees) and areas in light grey correspond to twilight (Sun elevation between -18 and 0 degrees) while daytime is in white;
- Be careful, that the dates are in Universal Time, the night of the event may begin the day before.