Europlanet occultation workshop, Paris 27/28 April 2007

The EUROPLANET N3 strategic workshop Stellar Occultation Studies in 2007 will be hosted by the

Paris Observatory
77, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, 74014 Paris
Salle de l'Atelier
April 27-28, 2007

Click here for general information on Paris Observatory and here for maps, telephones, etc...

Click here and here for information on possible accomodations near Paris Observatory.

Click here to access the Europlanet site and here for the workshop description, programme and minutes.

Support from Europlanet for travel expenses are possible, see this Europlanet link for information, and this link for re-imbursement forms, etc...

workshop description, programme and minutes

Confirmed participation, as of 24 April 2007:

Alexandre Andrei
Jean-Eudes Arlot
Marcelo Assafin
Aurelie Bellucci
Raoul Behrend
Wolfgang Beisker
H.-J. Bode
Guillaume Boubin
Eberhard Bredner
Bernard Christophe
Francois Colas
Audrey Delsanti
Alain Doressoundiram
Rene Duffard
Andrew Elliott
Eric Frappa
Alfons Gabel
George Georgevits
Dave Herald
Daniel Hestroffer
Oliver Kloes
Mike Kretlow
Jean-Pierre Lebreton
Wolfgang Maierhofer
Jan Manek
Frank Marchis
Olivier Mousis
Jose Luis Ortiz
Steve Preston
Severine Raimond
Francoise Roques
Helmut Rucker
Carles Schnabel
Bruno Sicardy
Thomas Widemann

About the background image: on the ridge of the Boca Nuova, Etna, 15 June 2001.

Photo B. Sicardy