Philippe Thebault

Refereed Publications

  • Thebault, P., Kral, Q., Augereau, J.-C. Grain Size segregation in debris discs , 2013, A&A, Accepted
  • Kral, Q., Thebault, P., Charnoz, S. LIDT-DD: A new self-consistent debris disc model that includes radiation pressure and couples dynamical and collisional evolution , 2013, A&A, 558, 121
  • Marshall, J., et al. Herschel observations of the debris disc around HIP 92043 , 2013, A&A, 557, 58
  • Krivov, A., et al. Herschel's "Cold Debris Disks": Background Galaxies or Quiescent Rims of Planetary Systems? , 2013, ApJ, 772, 32
  • Lebreton, J., et al. An interferometric study of the Fomalhaut inner debris disk. III. Detailed models of the exozodiacal disk and its origin , 2013, A&A, 555, 146
  • Eiroa, C., et al. DUst around NEarby Stars. The survey observational results , 2013, A&A, 555, 11
  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., Scholl, H., Picogna, G., Baruteau, C, Influence of the circumbinary disk gravity on planetesimal accumulation in the Kepler 16 system, 2013, A&A, 553, 71
  • Mennesson, B., et al. An Interferometric Study of the Fomalhaut Inner Debris Disk. II. Keck Nuller Mid-infrared Observations , 2013, ApJ, 763, 119
  • Liseau, R., et al. alpha Centauri A in the far infrared. First measurement of the temperature minimum of a star other than the Sun , 2013, A&A, 549, 7
  • Johnson, B.C., C.M. Lisse, C.H. Chen, H. J. Melosh, M.C. Wyatt, P. Thebault, et al. A Self-Consistent Model of the Circumstellar Debris Created by a Giant Hypervelocity Impact in the HD172555 System, 2012, ApJ, 761, 45
  • Bonsor, A.; Augereau, J.-C.; Thebault, P. Scattering of small bodies by planets: a potential origin for exozodiacal dust ?, 2012, A&A, 548, 104
  • Thebault, P.; Kral, Q.; Ertel, S., Planet Signatures in Collisionally Active Debris Discs: scattered light images, 2012, A&A, 547, 92
  • Lagrange, A.-M.; Milli, J.; Boccaletti, A.; Lacour, S.; Thebault, P.; Chauvin, G.; Mouillet, D.; Augereau, J. C.; Bonnefoy, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; Kral, Q., An insight in the surroundings of HR4796, 2012, A&A, 546, 38
  • Rameau, J.; Chauvin, G.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Thebault, P.; Milli, J.; Girard, J. H.; Bonnefoy, M., High Contrast Imaging of the Close Environment of HD 142527, 2012, A&A, 546, 24
  • Nilsson, R., ; Brandeker, A.; Olofsson, G.; Fathi, K.; Thebault, Ph.; Liseau, R., VLT imaging of the beta Pictoris gas disk, 2012, A&A, 544, 134
  • Paardekooper, S.-J., Leinhardt, Z.M., Thebault, P., & Baruteau, C. , How not to build Tatooine: the difficulty of in situ formation of circumbinary planets Kepler 16b, Kepler 34b and Kepler 35b, 2012, ApJ, 754, 16
  • Marzari, F., Baruteau, C;, Scholl, H., & Thebault, P., Eccentricity of radiative disks in close binary-star systems, 2012, A&A, 539, 98
  • Thebault, P., A new code to study structures in collisionally active, perturbed debris discs: Application to binaries, 2012, A&A, 537, A65 (Highlighted paper of the 537 issue)
  • Löhne, T.; Augereau, J.-C.; Ertel, S.; Marshall, J. P.; Eiroa, C.; Mora, A.; Absil, O.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Thebault, P.; Bayo, A.; and 11 coauthors, Modelling the huge, Herschel-resolved debris ring around HD 207129, 2012, A&A, 537, 110,
  • Lisse, C. M.; Wyatt, M. C.; Chen, C. H.; Morlok, A.; Watson, D.M., Manoj, P., Sheenan, P., Currie, T.M., Thebault, P.;Sitko, M.L., Spitzer Evidence for a Late Heavy Bombardment and the Formation of Urelites in eta Corvi at 1 Gyr, 2012, ApJ, 747, 93

  • Eiroa, C., et al., Herschel discovery of a new class of cold, faint debris discs, 2011, A&A, 536,L4
  • Thébault, P., Against all odds? Forming the planet of the HD196885 binary, 2011, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 111, 29
  • Marzari, F. & Thébault, P., On how the optical depth tunes the effects of ISM neutral atom flow on debris disks, 2011, MNRAS, 416, 1890,
  • Xie, Ji-Wei, Payne, M.J.,Thebault, P., Zhou, J.-L., & Ge, Jian., Planet Formation In Highly Inclined Binary Systems I. Planetesimals Jump Inwards And Pile Up, 2011 , ApJ, 735, 10
  • Marschall, J.P., et al., A Herschel resolved far-infrared dust ring around HD 207129 , 2011, A&A, 529, 117
  • Xie, Ji-Wei, Payne, M.J.,Thébault, P., Zhou, J.-L., & Ge, Jian., From Dust to Planetesimal: The Snowball Phase?, 2010 , ApJ, 724, 1153
  • Thébault, P., Marzari, F., & Augereau, J.-C., Debris discs in binaries: a numerical study, 2010 , A&A, 524, 13
  • Nilsson, R., et al., Kuiper Belts Around Nearby Stars, 2010, A&A, 518, 40
  • Liseau, R., et al., Resolving the cold debris disc around a planet-hosting star . PACS photometric imaging observations of q1 Eridani (HD 10647, HR 506) , 2010, A&A, 518, 132
  • Eiroa, C., et al., Cold DUst around NEarby Stars (DUNES). First results. A resolved exo-Kuiper belt around the solar-like star zeta2 Ret, 2010, A&A, 518, 131
  • Payne, M., Wyatt, M., Thébault, P., Outward Migration of Terrestrial Embryos in Binary Systems, 2009, MNRAS, 400, 1936
  • Marzari, F., Scholl, H., Thébault, P., & Baruteau, C. , On the eccentricity of self-gravitating circumstellar disks in eccentric binary systems, 2009, A&A, 508, 1493
  • Krivov, A., Herrmann, F., Brandeker, A., Thébault, P., Can gas in young debris disks be constrained by their radial brightness profiles?, 2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics , 507, 1503
  • Marzari, F., Thébault, P., & Scholl, H. , Planet formation in highly inclined binaries, 2009, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 507, 505
  • Thébault, P., Vertical structure of debris discs, 2009 , A&A, 505, 1269
  • Thébault, P., Marzari, F., & Scholl, H., Planet formation in the habitable zone of alpha Centauri B, 2009 , MNRAS, 393, L21
  • Thébault, P., Marzari, F., & Scholl, H., Planet formation in alpha Centauri A revisited: not so accretion-friendly after all, 2008, MNRAS, 388, 1528
  • Marzari, F., Thébault, P., & Scholl, H. , Planetesimal evolution in circumbinary gaseous disks: a hybrid model, 2008, Astrophysical Journal, 681, 1599
  • Paardekooper, S.-J., Thébault, P., & Mellema, G. , Planetesimal and Gas Dynamics in Binaries, 2008, MNRAS, 386, 973
  • Thébault, P., & Wu, Y., Outer edges of debris discs: how sharp is sharp?, 2008, A&A, 481, p.713 (highlighted paper of A&A 481 issue)
  • R. Liseau, C. Risacher, A. Brandeker, C. Eiroa, M. Fridlund, R. Nilsson, G. Olofsson, G.L. Pilbratt, & P. Thébault q1 Eri: a solar type star with a planet and a dust belt, 2008, A&A, 480, L47 (highlighted paper of A&A 480 issue)
  • Queck, Martina, Krivov, Alexander V., Sremčević, Miodrag, & Thébault, P., Velocity distributions among colliding asteroids, 2007, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 99, p.169
  • Grigorieva, A., Thébault, P., Artymowicz, P., & Brandeker, A., Survival of icy grains in debris discs. The role of photosputtering, 2007, A&A, 475, p.755
  • Scholl, H., Marzari, F., & Thébault, P., Relative velocities among accreting planetesimals in binary systems: the circumbinary case , 2007, MNRAS, 380, p.1119
  • Thébault, P. & Augereau, J.-C., Collisional processes and size distribution in spatially extended debris discs, 2007, A&A, 472, p.169
  • Grigorieva, A., Artymowicz, P., & Thébault, P., Collisional dust avalanches in debris discs, 2007, A&A, 461, p.537
  • Thébault, P., Marzari, F., & Scholl, H., Relative velocities among accreting planetesimals in binary systems: The circumprimary case,2006, Icarus, 183, p.193
  • Thébault, P. & Augereau, J.-C., Upper limit on the gas density in the β Pictoris system, 2005, A&A, 437, p.141
  • Thébault, P., Marzari, F., Scholl, H., Turrini, D., & Barbieri, M., Planetary formation in the γ Cephei system, 2004, A&A, 427,p.1097

  • Thébault, P., Augereau, J. C., & Beust, H., Dust production from collisions in extrasolar planetary systems. The inner beta Pictoris disc,2003, A&A, 408, p.775

  • Thébault, P.,A Numerical Check of the Collisional Resurfacing Scenario, 2003, Earth Moon and Planets, 92, p.233

  • Thébault, P. & Doressoundiram, A., Colors and collision rates within the Kuiper belt: problems with the collisional resurfacing scenario, 2003, Icarus, 92, p.233

  • Doressoundiram, A., Peixinho, N., de Bergh, C., Fornasier, S., Thébault, P., Barucci, M. A., & Veillet, C.,The Color Distribution in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt,2002, AJ, 124, p.2279

  • Thébault, P., Marzari, F., & Scholl, H., Terrestrial planet formation in exoplanetary systems with a giant planet on an external orbit,2002, A&A, 384, p.594

  • Thébault, P. & Beust, H., Falling evaporating bodies in the β Pictoris system. Resonance refilling and long term duration of the phenomenon, 2001, A&A, 376, p.621

  • Charnoz, S., Thébault, P., & Brahic, A., Short-term collisional evolution of a disc perturbed by a giant-planet embryo,2001, A&A, 373, p.683

  • Charnoz, S., Brahic, A., Ferrari, C., Grenier, I., Roddier, F., & Thébault, P.,Detection of arcs in Saturn's F ring during the 1995 Sun ring-plane crossing,2001, A&A, 365, p.214

  • Thébault, P. & Brahic, A., Dynamical influence of a proto-Jupiter on a disc of colliding planetesimals, 1999, P&SS, 47, p.233

  • Florczak, M., Dotto, E., Barucci, M. A., Birlan, M., Erikson, A., Fulchignoni, M., Nathues, A., Perret, L., & Thébault, P., Rotational properties of main belt asteroids: photoelectric and CCD observations of 15 objects,1997, P&SS, 45, p.1423

  • Beuzit, J.-L., Thébault, P., Perrin, G., & Rouan, D., Adaptive optics imaging of the Frosty Leo nebula, 1994, A&A, 291, p.L1

  • Refereed Publications in Review Books

  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., & Scholl, H., Planet formation: is it good or bad to have a stellar companion?, 2010, EAS Publications Series, Vol. 42, p.239

  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., & Scholl, H., Planetesimal accretion in binary star systems, 2008, 'Extreme Solar Systems', ASP Conference Series, Edited by D. Fischer, F. A. Rasio, S. E. Thorsett, and A. Wolszczan, Vol. 398, p.195

  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., Kortenkamp, S., & Scholl, H., Dynamics and planet formation in/around binaries, 2007, Chapter to appear in 'Planets in Binary Star Systems', ed. Nader Haghighipour (Springer publishing company)

  • Non-Refereed Publications

  • Kral, Quentin; Thebault, P.; Charnoz, S. , Self-consistent Model Of Debris Discs Coupling Dynamics And Collisions,2012, DPS, 44, 113.07

  • Lisse, C. M.; Chen, C. H.; Wyatt, M. C.; Morlok, A.; Thebault, P.; Watson, D. M.; Sheehan, P.; Currie, T.M., Spitzer Observations of Eta Corvi : Evidence at ~1 Gyr for an LHB-Like Delivery of Organics & Water-Rich Material to the THZ of a Sun-Like Star,2011, ESPC Conference Abstract

  • Thebault, P., , Debris Discs in Binaries: Spatial Structures, 2011, ESPC Conference Abstract

  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., , Effects of neutral ISM gas flow on debris disks: the role of the optical depth2011, ESPC Conference Abstract

  • Lisse, C. M.; Chen, C. H.; Wyatt, M. C.; Morlok, A.; Thebault, P.; Orton, G. S.; Fletcher, L. N.; Fujiwara, H.; Bridges, J. C.; Elkins-Tanton, L. T.; Gaidos, E., Trang, D., Silica Debris Star Systems Spitzer Evidence for Lunar Formation Events and Crustal Stripping or Magma Oceans and Late Heavy Bombardments?, 2010, Lunar and Planetary Institute Conference Abstracts, 41, 2390

  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., & Scholl, H. 2009, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , Can Planet Form in Highly Inclined Binaries?

  • Thebault, P., Marzari, F., Scholl, H. 2008, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , Planetesimal accretion in alpha Centauri

  • Thebault, P., Paardekooper, S., & Mellema, G. 2007, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , Coupled Planetesimal And Gas Disc Dynamics In A Binary System

  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., & Scholl, H. 2007, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts , Planetesimal Evolution In Circumbinary Disks

  • Kuchner, M., Stark, C., Absil, O., Augereau, J. -C., & Thebault, P. 2007, ArXiv e-prints Dynamics of Exozodiacal Clouds

  • Thebault, P., Scholl, H., & Marzari, F. 2006, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , On The Accretion Of Planetesimals In Circumbinary Disks

  • Turrini, D., Barbieri, M., Marzari, F., Thebault, P., & Tricarico, P. 2006, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement , Exoplanetary formation in S-type binary star systems

  • Thebault, P., Scholl, H., & Marzari, F. 2005, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , Planetesimal Accretion in Binary Star Systems

  • Turrini, D., Barbieri, M., Marzari, F., Thebault, P., & Tricarico, P. 2005, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement , Planetary Formation and Orbital Stability in Binary Star Systems

  • Thebault, P. & Augereau, J.-C. 2004, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , Dust dynamics as a way to contraint the gas density in the Beta-Pictoris disc

  • Thebault, P., Marzari, F., Barbieri, M., Turrini, D., Vanzani, V., & Scholl, H. 2004, Lunar and Planetary Institute Conference Abstracts Planetary Formation in the the Gamma Cephei System by Core — Accretion

  • Thebault, P. & Augereau, J.-C. 2003, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Collisional dust production in extrasolar discs: a new dynamical and photometric model

  • Marzari, F., Thebault, P., Scholl, H., & Turrini, D. 2003, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Planetary formation in the Gamma Cephei system (the ORESTE project)

  • Marzari, F., Barbieri, M., Tricarico, P., Scholl, H., & Thebault, P. 2002, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Project ORESTE: ORigin, Evolution, and Stability of Terrestrial Exoplanets

  • Thebault, P. & Augereau, J.-C. 2002, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Dust and planetesimals in the inner Beta-Pictoris disk. A numerical model

  • Doressoundiram, A. & Thébault, Ph. 2002, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Could Collisions be the cause of the color diversity in the Kuiper Belt? A numerical test

  • Beust, Hervé & Thébault, Philippe 2002, Highlights of Astronomy Scattering of planetesimals from young planetary disks: application to the β Pictoris system

  • Thebault, P., Marzari, F., & Scholl, H. 2001, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Terrestrial Planet Formation in Extrasolar Planetary Systems

  • Charnoz, S., Brahic, A., & Thébault, P. 2000, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Collisional evolution of a planetesimal disc close to a giant planet embryo

  • Beust, H., Morbidelli, Alessandro, & Thebault, Philippe 2000, The Transneptunian Population, 24th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 4, August 2000, Manchester, England, meeting abstract. Scattering of planetesimals from young planetary disks Application to the β:Pic system

  • Ferrari, C., Charnoz, S., Brahic, A., & Thebault, P. 1999, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts The Saturn's F ring from 1985 to 1995 : azimuthal structure and new objects

  • Charnoz, S., Thebault, P., Brahic, A., & Ferrari, C. 1999, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts Collisional evolution of a planetesimals disk perturbed by an embedded planet: a possible constraint on Jupiter's initial mass

  • Thebault, P. & Beust, H. 1999, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Presence and role of planetesimals in the inner Beta Pictoris disc.

  • Ferrari, C., Charnoz, S., Brahic, A., & Thebault, P. 1999, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society The Saturn's F ring from 1985 to 1995: azimuthal structure and new objects.

  • Charnoz, S., Thebault, P., Brahic, A., & Ferrari, C. 1999, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Collisional evolution of a planetesimals disk perturbed by an embedded planet: a possible constraint on Jupiter's initial mass.

  • Thebault, P., Brahic, A., & Perrot, C. 1998, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Numerical study of gas drag, mutual collisions and perturbations of proto-giant planets on the inner disk of planetesimals.

  • Thebault, P. & Brahic, A. 1997, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Proto-Jupiter Perturbations on a System of Colliding Planetesimals

  • Ferrari, C., Brahic, A., Charnoz, S., Thebault, P., & Roddier, F. 1997, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Azimuthal distribution of arcs and clumps in the F ring of Saturn during August 1995 ring plane crossing.

  • Brahic, A., Ferrari, C., Perret, L., & Thebault, P. 1997, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 1995 Saturn's Rings Plane Crossing

  • Thebault, P. & Brahic, A. 1997, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Gravitational Perturbations on a System of Accreting Planetesimals

  • Roddier, F., Brahic, A., Dumas, C., Ferrari, C., Graves, J. E., Northcott, M. J., Owen, T., Perret, L., Roddier, C., & Thebault, P. 1996, International Astronomical Union Circular Satellites of Saturn

  • Brahic, A., Dumas, C., Ferrari, C., Graves, J., Han, B., Northcott, M., O'Connor, D., Owen, T., Perret, L., Roddier, C., Roddier, F., & Thebault, P. 1995, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society Saturn' Rings Edge-on Observations at 0.1 Arcsecond Resolution With Adaptive Optics

  • Beuzit, J. L., Brandl, B., Combes, M., Eckart, A., Faucherre, M., Heydari-Malayeri, M., Hubin, N., Lai, O., Léna, P., Perrier, C., Perrin, G., Quirrenbach, A., Rouan, D., Sams, B., & Thébault, P. 1994, The Messenger Contribution of the ESO adaptive optics programme to astronomy: a first review.