J/A+A/*** Stellar and substellar companions from Gaia EDR3 (Kervella+, 2021) ================================================================================ Stellar and substellar companions from Gaia EDR3 - Proper motion anomaly and resolved common proper motion pairs P. Kervella, F. Arenou, F. Thévenin =2021A&A*** ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Keywords: Astrometry - Planets and satellites: detection - Proper motions - Stars: binaries: visual - Solar neighborhood - Catalogs Abstract: The multiplicity fraction of stars, down to the substellar regime, is a parameter of fundamental importance for stellar formation, evolution, and planetology. The census of multiple stars in the solar neighborhood is however incomplete. The presence of a companion in orbit around a star affects its proper motion. We aim at detecting companions of Hipparcos catalog stars from the proper motion anomaly (PMa) they induce on their host star, that is, the difference between their long-term Hipparcos-Gaia and short-term Gaia proper motion vectors. We also aim at detecting resolved, gravitationally bound companions of the Hipparcos catalog stars (117,955 stars), and of the Gaia EDR3 stars closer than 100 pc (542,232 stars). Using the Hipparcos and EDR3 data, we revise the PMa catalog for the Hipparcos stars. To identify gravitationally bound visual companions of our sample, we search the Gaia EDR3 catalog for common proper motion (CPM) candidates. The detection of tangential velocity anomalies with a median accuracy of 26 cm/s per parsec of distance is demonstrated with the EDR3. This improvement by a factor 2.5 in accuracy compared to the Gaia DR2 results in PMa detection limits on companions well into the planetary mass regime for many targets. We identify 37,515 Hipparcos stars presenting a PMa at significant level (S/N>3), that is, a fraction of 32% (compared to 30% for the DR2) and 12,914 (11%) hosting CPM bound candidate companions. Including the Gaia EDR3 RUWE>1.4 as an additional indicator, 50,720 stars of the Hipparcos catalog (43%) exhibit at least one signal of binarity. Among the Gaia EDR3 stars located within 100 pc, we find CPM bound candidate companions for 39,490 stars (7.3% of the sample). The search for companions using a combination of the PMa, CPM and RUWE indicators significantly improves the exhaustivity of the multiplicity survey. The detection of CPM companions of very bright stars (heavily saturated on the Gaia detectors) that are classical benchmark objects for stellar physics provides a useful proxy to estimate their distance with a higher accuracy than Hipparcos. Description: Proper motion anomaly (PMa) and common proper motion companions of stars from the Hipparcos and Gaia EDR3 catalogs. The proper motion vector at the Gaia EDR3 epoch is compared to the long-term proper motion vector derived from the Hipparcos and Gaia EDR3 positions. The common proper motion (CPM) candidate companions are identified through the comparison of their parallax and proper motion with those of the target source, for the Gaia EDR3 objects up to a distance of 100 pc. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe.txt 80 . This file A1-Hip-EDR3-PMa.txt 753 116017 Proper motion anomaly of Hipparcos stars A2-Hip-CPM.txt 433 175155 CPM candidate companions for Hipparcos stars A3-HipGaia-100pc-CPM.txt 419 8103738 CPM candidate companions for Gaia stars within 100 pc Byte-by-byte Description of file: A1-Hip-EDR3-PMa.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- 3 I2 --- HIP Hipparcos catalog number 6- 24 I19 --- GDR2_Source Gaia DR2 source number 27- 45 I19 --- EDR3_Source Gaia EDR3 source number 48- 59 A12 --- Name Common name 64- 76 F13.11 deg RA_ICRS Right ascension (ICRS) 79- 93 F15.11 deg DE_ICRS Declination (ICRS) 98- 98 I1 --- DMS Set to 1 for stars in the Hipparcos Double and Multiple cat. (I/239/h_dm_com) 102-102 A1 --- DT Type of DMS catalog solution (1) 106-106 A1 --- DQ Quality of DMS catalog solution (2) 109-109 I1 --- W Set to 1 if in the WDS catalog (B/wds) 112-117 F6.3 mag Vmag V band magnitude 120-126 F7.4 mag Hpmag Hipparcos Hp magnitude 130-135 F6.4 mag e_Hpmag Standard error on Hp magnitude 138-144 F7.4 mag Gmag Gaia G band magnitude 147-152 F6.4 mag e_Gmag Standard error on Gaia G band magnitude 155-160 F6.3 mag Kmag 2MASS K band magnitude 164-168 F5.3 mag e_Kmag Standard error on 2MASS K band magnitude 171-175 F5.3 mag EBV E(B-V) color excess 183-183 A1 --- EBVref Reference for E(B-V) color excess (3) 186-196 A11 --- SPtype Spectral type from CDS Simbad 199-203 F5.2 mas PlxH Hipparcos 2 (van Leeuwen 2007) parallax 208-211 F4.2 mas e_PlxH Standard error on Hip2 parallax 214-219 F6.3 mas PlxG3 Gaia EDR3 parallax (ZP corrected) 224-228 F5.3 mas e_PlxG3 Standard error on Gaia EDR3 parallax 231-235 F5.3 --- epsi Gaia EDR3 excess noise (epsilon) 238-243 F6.3 --- RUWE Gaia EDR3 renormalized unit weight error 246-251 F6.2 km/s RV Radial velocity 254-258 F5.2 km/s e_RV Standard error on radial velocity 263-265 A3 --- RVref Reference of radial velocity (4) 271-275 F5.2 --- PMaG1snr Hipparcos-Gaia DR1 PMa S/N 282-282 I1 --- BinG1 Hipparcos-Gaia DR1 binary flag 286-293 F8.3 mas/a muHG2G2RA Hip2-Gaia DR2 proper motion in RA direction (pmRA*cosDE) at epoch 2015.5 302-306 F5.3 mas/a e_muHG2G2RA Standard error on HipG2 PM in RA 311-318 F8.3 mas/a muHG2G2Dec Hip2-Gaia DR2 proper motion in Dec direction at epoch 2015.5 328-332 F5.3 mas/a e_muHG2G2Dec Standard error on HipG2 PM in Dec 335-341 F7.3 mas/a PMaG2RA G2-HipG2 proper motion anomaly in RA direction at epoch 2015.5 348-352 F5.3 mas/a e_PMaG2RA Standard error on G2-HG2 PMa in RA direction at epoch 2015.5 357-362 F6.3 mas/a PMaG2Dec G2-HipG2 proper motion anomaly in Dec direction at epoch 2015.5 370-374 F5.3 mas/a e_PMaG2Dec Standard error on G2-HG2 PMa in Dec direction at epoch 2015.5 380-384 F5.2 --- PMaG2snr Signal-to-noise ratio of G2-HipG2 PMa 391-391 I1 --- BinG2 G2-HipG2 binary flag (1 for PMaG2snr>3) 394-401 F8.3 mas/a muHGHRA Hip2-Gaia EDR3 proper motion in RA direction (pmRA*cosDE) at epoch 1991.25 408-412 F5.3 mas/a e_muHGHRA Standard error on HipG3 PM in RA 415-422 F8.3 mas/a muHGHDec Hip2-Gaia EDR3 proper motion in Dec direction at epoch 1991.25 430-434 F5.3 mas/a e_muHGHDec Standard error on HipG3 PM in Dec 437-442 F6.3 mas/a PMaHRA Hip2-HipG3 proper motion anomaly in RA direction at epoch 1991.25 448-452 F5.3 mas/a e_PMaHRA Standard error on Hip-HG3 PMa in RA direction at epoch 1991.25 456-461 F6.3 mas/a PMaHDec Hip2-HipG3 proper motion anomaly in Dec direction at epoch 1991.25 468-472 F5.3 mas/a e_PMaHDec Standard error on Hip-HG3 PMa in Dec direction at epoch 1991.25 478-481 F4.2 --- PMaHsnr Signal-to-noise ratio of Hip2-HipG3 PMa 487-487 I1 --- BinH Hip2-HipG3 binary flag (1 for PMaHsnr>3) 490-497 F8.3 mas/a muHGGRA Hip2-Gaia EDR3 proper motion in RA direction (pmRA*cosDE) at epoch 2016.0 504-508 F5.3 mas/a e_muHGGRA Standard error on HipG3 PM in RA 511-518 F8.3 mas/a muHGGDec Hip2-Gaia EDR3 proper motion in Dec direction at epoch 2016.0 526-530 F5.3 mas/a e_muHGGDec Standard error on HipG3 PM in Dec 533-538 F6.3 mas/a PMaGRA G3-HipG3 proper motion anomaly in RA direction at epoch 2016.0 544-548 F5.3 mas/a e_PMaGRA Standard error on G3-HG3 PMa in RA 552-557 F6.3 mas/a PMaGDec G3-HipG3 proper motion anomaly in Dec direction at epoch 2016.0 564-568 F5.3 mas/a e_PMaGDec Standard error on G3-HG3 PMa in Dec 574-578 F5.2 --- PMaG3snr Signal-to-noise ratio of G3-HipG3 PMa 585-585 I1 --- BinG3 G3-HipG3 binary flag (1 for PMaHsnr>3) 588-594 F7.2 m/s dVt Tangential velocity anomaly 597-602 F6.2 m/s e_dVt Standard error on tangential velocity dVt 605-610 F6.2 deg dVt_PA Position angle of velocity anomaly vector 616-620 F5.2 deg e_dVt_PA Standard error on PA of dVt vector 626-629 F4.2 au OrbG3Dt Radius of orbit with period corresponding to Gaia EDR3 observing window duration 632-637 F6.2 Rsun R1 Radius of primary star 640-644 F5.2 Rsun e_R1 Standard error on radius of primary star 649-651 A3 --- R1ref Reference for radius of primary (5) 654-660 F7.4 mas LDang Limb darkened angular diameter 664-669 F6.4 mas e_LDang Standard error on LD angular diameter 672-675 F4.2 Msun M1 Mass of primary star 678-681 F4.2 Msun e_M1 Standard error on mass of primary 686-688 A3 --- M1ref Reference for mass of primary (6) 691-698 F8.2 Mjup M2_3au Mass of companion assuming 3au orbit 701-706 F6.2 Mjup M2_5au Mass of companion assuming 5au orbit 712-717 F6.2 Mjup ep_M2_5au Positive error bar on M2_5au 723-728 F6.2 Mjup em_M2_5au Negative error bar on M2_5au 732-737 F6.2 Mjup M2_10au Mass of companion assuming 10au orbit 740-746 F7.2 Mjup M2_30au Mass of companion assuming 30au orbit 749-749 I1 --- L Number of low vel. resolved companions 752-752 I1 --- B Number of bound resolved companions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): F: fixed double or multiple system I: individual parallaxes and linear motion L: linear double or multiple system Note (2): A=good B=fair C=poor D=uncertain Note (3): S= Stilism, B= Bayestar17 Note (4): A93= Aannestad+ (1993) A12= Anderson+ (2012) DR2= Gaia DR2 (2018) H07= Holmberg+ (2007) K17= Kervella+ (2017) N02= Nidever+ (2002) S18= Soubiran+ (2018) Note (5): H16= Holberg+ (2016) K04= Kervella+ (2004) K04G= Kervella+ (2004) (Gmag) M15= Mann+ (2015) Note (6): F97= Finley+ (1997) H16= Holberg+ (2016) K04= Kervella+ (2004) K04G= Kervella+ (2004) (Gmag) M15= Mann+ (2015) Pow= Power law -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: A2-Hip-CPM.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 1 I1 --- T Flag for parent (=1) or companion (=0) 12- 13 I2 --- HIP_Parent Hipparcos number of parent star 20- 21 I2 --- HIP Hipparcos number of star 24- 42 I19 --- EDR3_Parent Gaia EDR3 source number of parent 45- 63 I19 --- EDR3_Source Gaia EDR3 source number of star 66- 94 A29 --- Name Common name 97-111 F15.11 deg RA_ICRS Right ascension (ICRS) 114-128 F15.11 deg DE_ICRS Declination (ICRS) 137-137 A1 --- pos_ref Reference of position (H=Hip, G=EDR3) 140-140 I1 --- D Set to 1 for stars in the Hipparcos Double and Multiple cat. (I/239/h_dm_com) 143-143 I1 --- W Set to 1 if in the WDS catalog (B/wds) 146-151 F6.3 mag Vmag V band magnitude 154-160 F7.4 mag Hpmag Hipparcos Hp magnitude 163-169 F7.4 mag Gmag Gaia G band magnitude 172-177 F6.3 mag Kmag 2MASS K band magnitude 180-184 F5.3 mag EBV E(B-V) color excess 192-192 A1 --- EBVref Reference for E(B-V) color excess (1) 195-205 A11 --- SPtype Spectral type from CDS Simbad 208-213 F6.3 mas Plx Parallax 216-220 F5.3 mas e_Plx Standard error on parallax 227-229 A3 --- Plx_ref Reference for parallax (2) 232-237 F6.3 --- RUWE Gaia EDR3 renormalized unit weight error 240-245 F6.2 km/s RV Radial velocity 248-252 F5.2 km/s e_RV Standard error on radial velocity 258-260 A3 --- RV_ref Reference of radial velocity (3) 263-270 F8.3 mas/a PMRA Proper motion in right ascension 274-278 F5.3 mas/a e_PMRA Standard error on PMRA 281-288 F8.3 mas/a PMDE Proper motion in declination 292-296 F5.3 mas/a e_PMDE Standard error on PMDE 303-304 A2 --- PM_ref Reference of proper motion (4) 310-314 F5.2 --- PMaG3snr Signal-to-noise ratio of G3-HipG3 PMa 321-321 I1 --- BinG3 G3-HipG3 binary flag (1 for PMaHsnr>3) 324-327 F4.2 Msun Mass Mass 330-335 F6.2 Rsun Radius Radius 338-338 I1 --- N Number of near candidate companions 341-341 I1 --- L Number of low velocity companions 344-344 I1 --- B Number of bound candidate companions 347-353 F7.2 arcsec Sep Angular separation from parent star 356-361 F6.2 deg PA Position angle of candidate companion 364-371 E8.2 au LinSep Linear separation with parent star 375-378 F4.2 km/s dVtan Differential tangential velocity with respect to parent star 384-387 F4.2 km/s e_dVtan Standard error on dVtan 390-393 F4.2 km/s Vesc Escape velocity at projected location of candidate companion 397-400 F4.2 deg dPMPA Difference in position angle of PM vectors between parent and candidate 403-407 F5.3 --- PlxSc Parallax score of candidate companion 410-414 F5.3 --- BndSc Gravitationally bound score of candidate 417-421 F5.3 --- TotSc Total score of candidate companion 427-427 I1 --- LowV Low tangential velocity flag 432-432 I1 --- Bnd Gravitationally bound candidate flag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): S= Stilism, B= Bayestar17 Note (2): G=Gaia EDR3, GHR=Gaia EDR3 with high RUWE, H=Hipparcos (2007) Note (3): A93= Aannestad+ (1993) A12= Anderson+ (2012) DR2= Gaia DR2 (2018) H07= Holmberg+ (2007) K17= Kervella+ (2017) N02= Nidever+ (2002) S18= Soubiran+ (2018) Note (4): G = Gaia EDR3, H=Hipparcos, HG=Hipparcos-Gaia EDR3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: A3-HipGaia-100pc-CPM.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 1 I1 --- T Flag for parent (=1) or companion (=0) 8- 13 I6 --- HIP_Parent Hipparcos number of parent star 16- 21 I6 --- HIP Hipparcos number of star 24- 42 I16 --- EDR3_Parent Gaia EDR3 source number of parent 45- 63 I16 --- EDR3_Source Gaia EDR3 source number of star 65- 93 A26 --- Name Common name 97-110 F14.11 deg RA_ICRS Right ascension (ICRS) 116-130 F14.11 deg DE_ICRS Declination (ICRS) 136-139 A1 --- pos_ref Reference of position (H=Hip, G=EDR3) 142-142 I1 --- D Set to 1 for stars in the Hipparcos Double and Multiple cat.(I/239/h_dm_com) 145-145 I1 --- W Set to 1 if in the WDS catalog (B/wds) 148-153 F6.3 mag Vmag V band magnitude 156-162 F7.4 mag Hpmag Hipparcos Hp magnitude 165-171 F6.3 mag Gmag Gaia G band magnitude 174-179 F6.3 mag Kmag 2MASS K band magnitude 182-186 F5.3 mag EBV E(B-V) color excess 194-194 A1 --- EBVref Reference for E(B-V) color excess (1) 197-219 A12 --- SPtype Spectral type from CDS Simbad 222-228 F7.3 mas Plx Parallax 231-236 F5.3 mas e_Plx Standard error on parallax 243-245 A3 --- Plx_ref Reference for parallax (2) 247-253 F6.3 --- RUWE Gaia EDR3 renormalized unit weight err. 256-262 F6.2 km/s RV Radial velocity 265-270 F5.2 km/s e_RV Standard error on radial velocity 276-278 A3 --- RV_ref Reference of radial velocity (3) 281-289 F8.3 mas/a PMRA Proper motion in right ascension 292-297 F5.3 mas/a e_PMRA Standard error on PMRA 300-308 F8.3 mas/a PMDE Proper motion in declination 311-316 F5.3 mas/a e_PMDE Standard error on PMDE 323-324 A2 --- PM_ref Reference of proper motion (4) 328-334 F6.2 --- PMaG3snr Signal-to-noise ratio of G3-HipG3 PMa 341-341 I1 --- BinG3 G3-HipG3 binary flag (1 for PMaHsnr>3) 344-348 F4.2 Msun Mass Mass 351-356 F5.2 Rsun Radius Radius 361-361 I1 --- N Number of near candidate companions 366-366 I1 --- L Number of low velocity companions 370-370 I1 --- B Number of bound candidate companions 373-379 F7.2 arcsec Sep Angular separation from parent star 382-387 F6.2 deg PA Position angle of candidate companion 390-397 E8.2 au LinSep Linear separation with parent star 400-404 F4.2 km/s dVtan Differential tangential velocity with respect to parent star 409-413 F4.2 km/s e_dVtan Standard error on dVtan 416-420 F4.2 km/s Vesc Escape velocity at projected location of candidate companion 423-427 F4.2 deg dPMPA Difference in position angle of PM vectors between parent and candidate 430-434 F5.3 --- PlxSc Parallax score of candidate companion 437-441 F5.3 --- BndSc Gravitationally bound score of candidate 444-448 F5.3 --- TotSc Total score of candidate companion 454-454 I1 --- LowV Low tangential velocity flag 459-459 I1 --- Bnd Gravitationally bound candidate flag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): S= Stilism, B= Bayestar17 Note (2): G=Gaia EDR3, GHR=Gaia EDR3 with high RUWE, H=Hipparcos (2007) Note (3): A93= Aannestad+ (1993) A12= Anderson+ (2012) DR2= Gaia DR2 (2018) H07= Holmberg+ (2007) K17= Kervella+ (2017) N02= Nidever+ (2002) S18= Soubiran+ (2018) Note (4): G = Gaia EDR3, H=Hipparcos, HG=Hipparcos-Gaia EDR3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ (End) CDS/FIRST AUTHOR 2021-09-21