C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

  • ephemeris
  • Display observing conditions.

    Individual and sum spectra

  • table
  • figure 1 -- figure 1 (PS)
  • figure 2 -- figure 2 (PS)
  • figure 3 -- figure 3 (PS)
  • figure 4 -- figure 4 (PS)
  • figure 5 -- figure 5 (PS)
  • figure 6 -- figure 6 (PS)
  • figure 7 -- figure 7 (PS)


  • ZTF for "Zwicky Transient Facility" (Palomar Schmidt telesope).
  • Perihelion on 12 January 2023 at q = 1.112 au.
  • Close approach to Earth on 2 February 2023 at 0.28 au.
  • Galactic plane crossing on 7 February 2023 at l = 164°.
  • Observations of 1-7 November 2022 are doubtful (receiver problems).
  • Observations interrupted from 24 december 2022 to February 2023 due to a technical failure.
  • Observations on 17-24 February 2023 were made with the high-frequency receiver with doutful calibration. They are not validated.
  • Biver et al., 2024, in preparation