Institut national de recherche scientifique français Univerité Pierre et Marie Curie Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7

Accueil > Recherche > Publications > Catalogue HAL > 2014

Catalogue HAL pour l'année 2014

RĂ©sultats 11 - 20 sur un total de 31


Musset S., Vilmer N., Bommier V.. Relations between electric current densities and X-ray emissions from particles accelerated during solar flares. Session D2.5 "Energy Release and Particle Acceleration and Transport in Flares, CMEs, and the Heliosphere, Aug 2014, Moscou, Russia.
Référence HAL : hal-02908488

Bommier V.. The multiline observations of the THEMIS telescope reveal a decrease of the magnetic flux along height in the solar photosphere. ESPM-14, 14th European Solar Physics Meeting, Sep 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
Référence HAL : hal-02908495

Bommier V., Janvier M., Musset S., Aulanier G., Vilmer N., DĂ©moulin P.. Milne-Eddington inversion of spectro-polarimetric data with unresolved structures by the UNNOFIT code: presentation and examples. ESPM-14, 14th European Solar Physics Meeting, Sep 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
Référence HAL : hal-02908522

Musset S., Vilmer N., Bommier V.. Energetic electrons and electric currents in solar flares. ESPM-14, 14th European Solar Physics Meeting, Sep 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
Référence HAL : hal-02908528

Bommier V.. Interpretation of the observed magnetic flux height decrease in the solar photosphere. Magnetic Fields from the Sun to Black Holes, Nov 2014, Paris, France.
Référence HAL : hal-02908551

Lilensten J., Bommier V., Barthélemy M., Bernard D., Lamy H., Moen J., Johnsen M.G., Lovhaug U.P., Pitout F.. The thermospheric auroral red line polarization: comparison between theory and observations. 11th European Space Weather Week, Nov 2014, Liège, Belgium.
Référence HAL : hal-02908560

Bommier V.. Theoretical polarization spectrum of Na I D1 & D2 near the solar limb. Polarimetry: From the Sun to Stars and Stellar Environment, Nov 2014, Punta Leona, Costa Rica.
Référence HAL : hal-02908569

Aboudarham Jean, Bonnin Xavier, Renié Christian. Analysis of Solar features behavior using HELIO/HFC. EGU General Assembly, Apr 2014, Vienna, Austria. 16, pp.10804, 2014.
Référence ADS : 2014EGUGA..1610804A
Référence HAL : hal-03692020

Bommier Véronique. Une proposition pour réconcilier les gradients vertical et horizontal du champ magnétique dans les taches solaires. Colloque du programme PNST (programme national "Soleil-Terre") du CNRS, Feb 2014, Sète (France), France. 2014.
Référence HAL : hal-03724649

Bommier VĂ©ronique, Janvier Miho, Musset Sophie, Aulanier Guillaume, Vilmer Nicole, DĂ©moulin Pascal. Milne-Eddington inversion of spectro-polarimetric data with unresolved structures by the UNNOFIT code: presentation and examples. ESPM-14, 14th European Solar Physics Meeting, Sep 2014, Dublin (Irlande), Ireland. 2014.
Référence HAL : hal-03724651