Institut national de recherche scientifique français Univerité Pierre et Marie Curie Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7

Accueil > Recherche > Publications > Catalogue HAL > 2017

Catalogue HAL pour l'année 2017

RĂ©sultats 71 - 80 sur un total de 274

Articles dans des revues

Harra Louise, Ugarte-Urra Ignacio, de Rosa Marc, Mandrini Cristina, van Driel-Gesztelyi Lidia, Baker Deborah, Culhane J. Leonard, DĂ©moulin Pascal. A study of the long term evolution in active region upflows. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2017, 69 (3), ⟨10.1093/pasj/psx021⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.1093/pasj/psx021
Référence HAL : obspm-02190157

Tayar Jamie, Somers Garrett, Pinsonneault Marc, Stello Dennis, Mints Alexey, Johnson Jennifer, Zamora O., GarcĂ­a-Hernández D., Maraston Claudia, Serenelli Aldo, Prieto Carlos Allende, Bastien Fabienne, Basu Sarbani, Bird J., Cohen R., Cunha Katia, Elsworth Yvonne, Garcia Rafael, Girardi Leo, Hekker Saskia, Holtzman Jon, Huber Daniel, Mathur Savita, MĂ©száros Szabolcs, Mosser B., Shetrone Matthew, Aguirre Victor Silva, Stassun Keivan, Stringfellow Guy, Zasowski Gail, Roman-Lopes A.. The Correlation between Mixing Length and Metallicity on the Giant Branch: Implications for Ages in the Gaia Era. The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 840 (1), pp.17. ⟨10.3847/1538-4357/aa6a1e⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.3847/1538-4357/aa6a1e
Référence HAL : obspm-02190179

White T., Benomar O., Silva Aguirre V., Ball W., Bedding T., Chaplin W., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Garcia R., Gizon L., Stello D., Aigrain S., Antia H., Appourchaux T., Bazot M., Campante T., Creevey O., Davies R., Elsworth Y., Gaulme P., Handberg R., Hekker S., Houdek G., Howe R., Huber D., Karoff C., Marques J., Mathur S., Mcquillan A., Metcalfe T., Mosser B., Nielsen M., RĂ©gulo C., Salabert D., Stahn T.. Kepler observations of the asteroseismic binary HD 176465. Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A, 2017, 601, pp.A82. ⟨10.1051/0004-6361/201628706⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.1051/0004-6361/201628706
Référence HAL : obspm-02190189

Anders F., Chiappini C., Minchev I., Miglio A., Montalban J., Mosser B., Rodrigues T., Santiago B., Baudin F., Beers C., da Costa L., GarcĂ­a A., Holtzman J., Maia A., Majewski S., Mathur S., Noels-Grotsch A., Pan K., Schneider D., Schultheis M., Steinmetz M., Valentini M., Zamora O.. Red giants observed by CoRoT and APOGEE: The evolution of the Milky Way’s radial metallicity gradient. Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A, 2017, 600, pp.A70. ⟨10.1051/0004-6361/201629363⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.1051/0004-6361/201629363
Référence HAL : obspm-02190201

Kunder Andrea, Kordopatis Georges, Steinmetz Matthias, Zwitter TomaĹľ, Mcmillan Paul, Casagrande Luca, Enke Harry, Wojno Jennifer, Valentini Marica, Chiappini Cristina, MatijeviÄŤ Gal, Siviero Alessandro, de Laverny Patrick, Recio-Blanco Alejandra, Bijaoui Albert, Wyse Rosemary, Binney James, Grebel E., Helmi Amina, Jofre Paul, Antoja Teresa, Gilmore Gerard, Siebert Arnaud, Famaey Benoit, Bienayme Olivier, Gibson Brad, Freeman Kenneth, Navarro Julio, Munari Ulisse, Seabroke George, Anguiano Borja, Ĺ˝erjal Maruša, Minchev Ivan, Reid Warren, Bland-Hawthorn Joss, Kos Janez, Sharma Sanjib, Watson Fred, Parker Quentin, Scholz Ralf-Dieter, Burton Donna, Cass Paul, Hartley Malcolm, Fiegert Kristin, Stupar Milorad, Ritter Andrea, Hawkins Keith, Gerhard Ortwin, Chaplin W., Davies G., Elsworth Y., Lund M., Miglio A., Mosser B.. The Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): Fifth Data Release. The Astronomical Journal, 2017, 153 (2), pp.75. ⟨10.3847/1538-3881/153/2/75⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.3847/1538-3881/153/2/75
Référence HAL : obspm-02190215

Stello Dennis, Zinn Joel, Elsworth Yvonne, Garcia Rafael, Kallinger Thomas, Mathur Savita, Mosser BenoĂ®t, Sharma Sanjib, Chaplin William, Davies Guy, Huber Daniel, Jones Caitlin, Miglio Andrea, Aguirre Victor Silva. The K2 Galactic Archaeology Program Data Release. I. Asteroseismic Results from Campaign 1. The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 835 (1), pp.83. ⟨10.3847/1538-4357/835/1/83⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.3847/1538-4357/835/1/83
Référence HAL : obspm-02190223

Schworer Guillaume, Lacour Sylvestre, HuĂ©lamo Nuria, Pinte Christophe, Chauvin Gael, Du Foresto Vincent CoudĂ©, Ehrenreich David, Girard Julien, Tuthill Peter. A Resolved and Asymmetric Ring of PAHs within the Young Circumstellar Disk of IRS 48. The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 842 (2), pp.77. ⟨10.3847/1538-4357/aa74b7⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.3847/1538-4357/aa74b7
Référence HAL : obspm-02190411

Huber Daniel, Zinn Joel, Bojsen-Hansen Mathias, Pinsonneault Marc, Sahlholdt Christian, Serenelli Aldo, Aguirre Victor Silva, Stassun Keivan, Stello Dennis, Tayar Jamie, Bastien Fabienne, Bedding Timothy, Buchhave Lars, Chaplin William, Davies Guy, Garcia Rafael, Latham David, Mathur Savita, Mosser BenoĂ®t, Sharma Sanjib. Asteroseismology and Gaia : Testing Scaling Relations Using 2200 Kepler Stars with TGAS Parallaxes. The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 844 (2), pp.102. ⟨10.3847/1538-4357/aa75ca⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.3847/1538-4357/aa75ca
Référence HAL : obspm-02190686

Shultz M., Wade G., Rivinius Th., Neiner C., Henrichs H., Marcolino W., Collaboration The Mimes. The pulsating magnetosphere of the extremely slowly rotating magnetic β Cep star Îľ1 CMa. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 471 (2), pp.2286-2310. ⟨10.1093/mnras/stx1632⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.1093/mnras/stx1632
Référence HAL : obspm-02190692

Cataldi Gianni, Brandeker Alexis, Thebault Philippe, Singer Kelsi, Ahmed Engy, de Vries Bernard, Neubeck Anna, Olofsson Göran. Searching for Biosignatures in Exoplanetary Impact Ejecta. Astrobiology, 2017, 17 (8), pp.721-746. ⟨10.1089/ast.2015.1437⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.1089/ast.2015.1437
Référence HAL : obspm-02190696