The surface cartography of the Sun and the stars

Besançon, 12-15 May 2014

Venue and Lodging



The school will be held at the amphitheater of the Besançon Observatory, 41bis avenue de l'Observatoire, 25010 Besançon.


Lodging is reserved for all participants at the hotel Ibis Gare in Besançon, 5 avenue Maréchal Foch, close to the train station Besançon-Viottes. Lodging is provided for free for all participants.

Travelling to Besançon

You can reach Besançon by TGV train. Consult the TGV timetable. However, the TGV station is outside of the city and you will then need to take a bus to reach the town center. If possible, we advise that you rather take a train arriving at the Besançon-Viotte station, which is much closer to the center. Consult the SNCF website.

Travelling within Besançon

You can find information on how to travel within Besançon on the city website.
Here is a map showing the Besançon-Viotte train station (A) and Besançon Observatory (B).
To go from the Besançon-Viotte station or Hotel Ibis Gare to the Besançon Observatory, you can take the Bus number 8 at the station "Foch Gare" in front of the train station and get off at the station "Gymnase". It takes 13 minutes. You then need to walk 8 minutes from the bus station to the Observatory. See the map and timetable.

Lodging is free for all participants!