(24835) 1995SM55

This object has a more recent orbit available here


Object (24835) 1995SM55
Diameter(1) 701 km
Dynamic class(1) Haumea
Absolute magnitude 4.66
G slop 0.15
(1) Data from the johnston archive list.

Orbital elements

Epoch (Julian date) 2459800.5
Semi major axis 41.946398 ± 0.001657 au
Eccentricity 0.106358701 ± 0.000021462
Inclination 26.992029308 ± 0.000038094 °
Longitude of ascending node 20.918881 ± 0.000052 °
Argument of perihelia 69.210742 ± 0.010342 °
Mean anomaly 339.198706 ± 0.009365 °
Orbital period 271.68 yr

Ephemeris & Observations

Ephemeris version NIMAv10
Observation file (documentation) omc_ast_NIMAv10.txt
bsp file 24835_1995SM55_nima_v10.bsp
Date of first observation 1982-09-16
Date of last observation 2024-02-15
Number of observations used in the fit 379
Number of rejected observations 5
Number of DES observations 0
Number of MPC observations 316
Number of unpublished observations 68
RMS of observations 0.334 arcsec


residual plot

Residuals in right ascension and declination compared to NIMAv10 ephemeris.
Colours indicate the estimated precision in arcsec used as weights in the fitting process.

Orbit quality

date σα (arcsec) σδ (arcsec)
2023-01 0.052 0.049
2023-07 0.087 0.049
2024-01 0.058 0.056
2024-07 0.104 0.054
2025-01 0.069 0.065
2025-07 0.124 0.060
2026-01 0.086 0.075
2026-07 0.148 0.067
2027-01 0.107 0.087

Ephemeris comparison

residual plot

Difference between NIMAv10 and JPL27 in right ascension (weighted by cos δ) and in declination.
Gray area represents the 1-σ uncertainty of NIMA ephemeris. Green dots represent the DES observations.