(24835) 1995SM55
Object |
(24835) 1995SM55 |
Diameter(1) |
701 km |
Dynamic class(1) |
Haumea |
Absolute magnitude |
4.64 |
G slop |
0.15 |
Orbital elements
Epoch (Julian date) |
2460600.5 |
Semi major axis |
42.140876 ± 0.001611 au |
Eccentricity |
0.111098682 ± 0.000020725 |
Inclination |
27.003809826 ± 0.000036908 ° |
Longitude of ascending node |
20.946487 ± 0.000051 ° |
Argument of perihelia |
69.692086 ± 0.009562 ° |
Mean anomaly |
341.872746 ± 0.008477 ° |
Orbital period |
273.57 yr |
Ephemeris & Observations
Ephemeris version |
NIMAv11 |
Observation file (documentation) |
omc_ast_NIMAv11.txt |
bsp file |
24835_1995SM55_nima_v11.bsp |
Date of first observation |
1982-09-16 |
Date of last observation |
2024-02-15 |
Number of observations used in the fit |
386 |
Number of rejected observations |
5 |
Number of DES observations |
0 |
Number of MPC observations |
320 |
Number of unpublished observations |
71 |
RMS of observations |
0.331 arcsec |
Residuals in right ascension and declination compared to NIMAv11 ephemeris.
Colours indicate the estimated precision in arcsec used as weights in the fitting process.
Orbit quality
date |
σα (arcsec) |
σδ (arcsec) |
2024-01 |
0.055 |
0.053 |
2024-07 |
0.094 |
0.051 |
2025-01 |
0.064 |
0.061 |
2025-07 |
0.113 |
0.056 |
2026-01 |
0.078 |
0.070 |
2026-07 |
0.134 |
0.063 |
2027-01 |
0.098 |
0.081 |
2027-07 |
0.159 |
0.070 |
2028-01 |
0.122 |
0.093 |
Ephemeris comparison
Difference between NIMAv11 and JPL28 in right ascension (weighted by cos δ) and in declination.
Gray area represents the 1-σ uncertainty of NIMA ephemeris. Green dots represent the DES observations.
Previous NIMA versions