Publications (à comité de lecture)
  1. 1. Briand C., “Plasma Waves above the ion cyclotron frequency in the solar wind: a review on observations”, 2009, Nonlinear Processes on Geophysics, 16, 319-329
  2. 2. Henri, P., C. Briand, A. Mangeney, S. D. Bale, F. Califano, K. Goetz, and M. Kaiser, “Evidence for wave coupling in type III emissions”, 2009, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A03103, doi:10.1029/2008JA013738
  3. 3. Briand, C.; Zaslavsky, A.; Maksimovic, M.; Zarka, P.; Lecacheux, A.; Rucker, H. O.; Konovalenko, A. A.; Abranin, E. P.; Dorovsky, V. V.; Stanislavsky, A. A.; Melnik, V. N., “Faint solar radio structures from decametric observations”, 2008a, A&A, 490(1),  339-344, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:200809842
  4. 4.  Briand, C. Mangeney, A., Califano, F., “Coherent electric structures: Vlasov-Ampère simulations and observational consequences”, 2008b, JGR, 113( A7), CiteID A07219, DOI:10.1029/2007JA012992
  5. 5.  Ergun R.E., Malaspina D.M., Carins, I.H., Goldman, M.V., Newman D.L., Robinson P.A., Eriksson S., Bougeret J.L., Briand C. et al., “Eigenmode structure in solar wind Langmuir waves”, 2008 Physics Review Letter, 101(5), id. 051101, DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.051101
  6. 6. Bougeret J. L., Goetz K., Kaiser M. L., Bale S. D., Kellogg P. J., Maksimovic M., Monge N., Monson S. J., Astier P. L., Davy S., Dekkali M., Hinze J. J., Manning R. E., Aguilar-Rodriguez E., Bonnin X., Briand, C. et al., “S/WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the STEREO Mission », 2008, Space Science Reviews, DOI : 10.1007/s11214-007-9298-8
  7. 7. Briand C., Mangeney A., Califano F., “Electrostatic coherent structures generation by local heating in a collisionless plasma”, 2007, Physics Letters A, 368(1-2), 82-86
  8. 8. Califano F., Galeotti L. , Briand C, "Electrostatic coherent structures: the role of the ion dynamics", 2007, Physics of Plasma, 14(5), 052306-052306-7, DOI: 10.1063/1.2724807
  9. 9. Briand C, Mattig W., Ceppatelli G. , Mainella G., “Mercury Transit for stray light evaluation: IPM-THEMIS case”, 2006, Solar Phys, 234(1), 187-201
  10. 10. Briand C, Vecchio A., "Chromospheric polarity inversion on sunspots: new insight from spectro-polarimetry", 2003, A&A, 403, L33
  11. 11. Moretti P.F., Berrilli F., Sebastianni A., Briand C, Pietropaolo E., "The detection of photospheric impacts from chromospheric impulse events", 2003, ApJ, 589, L109
  12. 12. Briand C, "Solar activity: aspects of magnetic activity", 2003, Invited Talk, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol. 324, No. 4, p. 357-361
  13. 13. Del Moro, Lemen C., Bonet, J.A., Màrquez, I. Criscuoli, S., Briand C, “Phase diversity at THEMIS : first implementation”, 2003, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol. 324, No. 4, p. 299
  14. 14. Mainella G., Briand C, Maréchal L., Lemen C., « Pointing and tracking analysis of alt-azimuthal multi-focus telescopes: the THEMIS case”, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol. 324, No. 4, p. 309-312
  15. 15. Hénoux, J.C. et al., “THEMIS as particle detector: Spectropolarimetry of solar flares”, 2002, Il Nuevo cimento, Roma, Vol. 25C, N° 5-6, 729
  16. 16. Briand C, Aboudarham J., “Multi-line spectro-polarimetry on active region NOAA 9125”, 2002, Il Nuevo cimento, Vol. 25C, N° 5-6, 741
  17. 17. G. Mainella, Briand C, “Telescope guide and pointing precision at THEMIS”, 2002, Il Nuevo cimento, Vol. 25C, N° 5-6, 709
  18. 18. Mein P., Briand C, Heinzel P., Mein N., “Solar arch filaments observed with THEMIS”, 1999, A&A, 355, 1146
  19. 19. Berrilli F., Florio A., Consolini G., Bavassano B., Briand C, Bruno R., Caccin B., Carbone V., Ceppatelli G., Egidi A., and 3 coauthors, “Dependence of the photospheric vertical flow characteristics on the granule dimension”, 1999, A&A, 344, L29-L32
  20. 20. G. Consolini G., Carbone V., Berrilli F., Bruno R., Bavassano B.,  Briand C, Caccin B., Ceppatelli G., Egidi A., +3 coauteurs, « Scaling behavior of the vertical velocity field in the solar photosphere”, 1999, A&A, 344, L33-L36
  21. 21. L. Rezeau L., Belmont G., Cornilleau-Wehrlin N., Reberac F., Briand C., « Spectral law and polarization properties of the low-frequency waves at the magnetopause”, 1999, G.R. Letters, 26, 651-654
  22. 22. Arnaud J., Briand C, Ceppatelli G., “First observational campaign at the THEMIS: image quality and seeing”, 1998, New Astronomy Reviews, 42(6-8), 499
  23. 23. Briand C, Solanki S.K., “Velocity fields below the magnetic canopy of solar flux tubes: evidence for high-speed downflows?”, 1998, A&A, 330, 1160
  24. 24. Briand C, Solanki S.K., “Empirical models of solar magnetic elements: constraints imposed by MgI Stokes profiles.”,1995, A&A, 299, 596
  25. 25. Uitenbroek H., Briand C, “The MgI lambda 285.21nm Line: an Example of Non-LTE Line Formation », ApJ, 1995, 447, 453
  26. 26. Briand C, P. Lemaire, “Center-to-limb observations of the lambda 285.2 NM MgI UV resonance line”, 1994, A&A, 282, 621
Actes de colloques
  1. 1. Briand C., Antonucci E., Haubold H., “Preface of the proceedings of the European General Assembly of IHY 2007”, 2009, Earth Moon and Planets, Springer 17(1-4), DOI: 10.1007/s11038-008-9277-4
  2. 2. Bonnin, X, Maksimovic, M., Bougeret, J.-L., Goetz, K., Bale, S. D., Kaiser, M. L., Reiner, M. J., Cecconi, B., Briand, C., Krucker, S., The S/Waves Team, “First Results of the S/WAVES Experiment on the STEREO Mission”, 2007, SF2A-2007: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics held in Grenoble, France, July 2-6, 2007, Eds.: J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel, p.578
  3. 3. Briand, C., “International Heliophysical Year: European Activities”, 2007, Sun and Geosphere, vol.2, no. 1, p. 5-8
  4. 4. Bougeret, J.-L.; Briand, C.; Bonet Navaro, J. A.; Breen, A.; Candidi, M.; Georgevia, K.; Harrison, R.; Marsden, R.; Schmieder, B.; von Steiger, R., “IHY Science and Organization in Europe”, 2006, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16 - 23 July 2006, in Beijing, China., p.3226
  5. 5. Del Moro D.,  Criscuoli S., Bonet J. A., Márquez I., Lemen C., Briand C., “Phase diversity at THEMIS : first implementation”, 2003, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 74, 811
  6. 6. Ceppatelli G., Briand C., “THEMIS : Status and perspectives”, 2003, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 2003, 74, p.790
  7. 7. Briand, C., Ceppatelli, G., “THEMIS: instrumentation, results and perspectives”, 2002, IAU Coloquium 188 on 'Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere", Santorini (Greece), 10-15 July 2002, ESA Publication Division, SP-505, 11
  8. 8. Briand C., Ceppatelli G., 1999, Proceedings of the 9th GIFCO conference, Societá italiana di fisica, 68, Ed. S. Aiello and A. Blanco
  9. 9. Briand C., Mein P., First Franco-Chinese Meeting on Solar Physics, 1999, Word Publishing Corporation, Ed. C. Fang and J.C. Hénoux
  10. 10. Briand C., Mein P, Malherbe J.M., Forum THEMIS, Obs. Paris, Novembre 1996
  11. 11. Briand C., Zaslavsky A., Zarka P., Lecacheux A. Maksimovic M., 2006, "The faint drifting decameter radio burts of the solar corona", Solar Orbiter Meeting, Oct. 2006 ESA’s Publications Division as Special Publication SP-641
  12. 12. Briand C., Mangeney, A., Califano, F., "Variable coronal heating and beam formation", Proceedings of the 11th European Solar Physics Meeting "The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations" (ESA SP-600). 11-16 September 2005, Leuven, Belgium. Editors: D. Danesy, S. Poedts, A. De Groof and J. Andries. Published on CDROM.
  13. 13. Briand C., et al.., "International Heliophysical Year", Proceedings of the 11th European Solar Physics Meeting "The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations" (ESA SP-600). 11-16 September 2005, Leuven, Belgium. Editors: D. Danesy, S. Poedts, A. De Groof and J. Andries. Published on CDROM.
  14. 14. Briand C., Collados Vera M., Sütterlin P., “THEMIS and DOT joint observations on NOAA 9716”, 2002, IAU Coloquium 188 on 'Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere", Santorini (Greece), 10-15 July 2002, ESA Publication Division, SP-505, 361
  15. 15. Miguel C., Briand C., Grassin O., Laforgue D., “Observer Interface”, 2002, THEMIS Workshop, Eds. Arnaud J. & Meunier N.
  16. 16. Mainella G., Briand C., Le Men C., Maréchal L., « Image drift at THEMIS secondary focus : test campain and experimental results », 2002, THEMIS Workshop, Eds. Arnaud J. & Meunier N.
  17. 17. Briand C., Le Men C., Fabiani P., Jimenez S., “Polarization analysis at THEMIS”, 2002, THEMIS Workshop, Eds. Arnaud J. & Meunier N.
  18. 18. Lemen C. et al., “Spectrograph performances”, 2002, THEMIS Workshop, Eds. Arnaud J. & Meunier N.
  19. 19. Briand C., Martinez Pillet V., “ASP Observations - First Analysis of Mgb2 Stokes Parameters”, 2001, 20th NSO/Sac Summer Workshop, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 236. Edited by Michael Sigwarth. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific ISBN: 1-58381-073-0, 2001, p.565
  20. 20. Briand C., Mein P., Heinzel P., Mein N., JOSO meeting, Florence, 1999
  21. 21. Mainella G., Bavassano B., Berrilli F., Briand C. et al., 1998, Mem. S.A. It., 69, 3
  22. 22. Kostik, R.I., Shchukina, N.G., Briand, C., 1997, meeting of the Ukranian astronomical association
  23. 23. Briand C., Martinez Pillet V., Forum THEMIS, Obs. Paris, Novembre 1996
  24. 24. Briand C., Solanki S.K., Forum THEMIS, Obs. Paris, Novembre 1996
  25. 25. Briand C., Solanki S.K., JOSO meeting, Puerto de la Cruz, Octobre 1996
  26. 26. Briand C., Solanki S.K., 1995, meeting on "Solar Polarization", St Petersbourg
  27. 27. Briand C., Solanki S.K., 1994, Atelier de travail du GdR "magnétisme dans les étoiles de type solaire"
  28. 28. Lemaire P., Briand C., Staath E., Samain D., “High Resolution Measurements of the 273-293 nm Solar Spectrum from a Balloon Instrumentation”, 1993, 24th SPD meeting, ed. M. Stehle
  29. 29. Briand C., Lemaire, P., “Mg I UV and IR Lines of the Quiet Sun”,1994, Pubblicazioni dell'Osservatorio astrofisico di Catania, 7th meeting of the European Astronomical Society (solar physic section)
  1. 1. Briand C., “Langmuir waves: a tool to diagnose space plasma”, 2009, EGU, Séminaire invité ST7
2.    Briand C., “Structures électrostatiques bipolaires et doubles couches dans le vent solaire”, 2009, Séminaire dans le cadre des journées plasma de UPMC
  1. 2. Henri P., Briand C., Mangeney A., Califano F., “Evidence of wave coupling from STEREO/WAVES observations”, Kuafu Symposium, September 2008-11-03
  2. 3. Briand C., «Coherent electrostatic structures in the solar wind : Observations to Vlasov simulations», Non Linear Waves and Turbulence Workshop (N°7), conférence invitée, France, 21-25 April 2008
  3. 4. Briand C., « Microphysique des plasmas : codes Vlasov », Journée plasma de l’UPMC, 4 avril 2008
  4. 5. Briand C.,  Mangeney A., Califano F., Bale S.D., Bougeret J.L., Maksimovic M., “Langmuir Waves: Vlasov simulation and STEREO/WAVES observations”, EGU, ST9, Wien, 15-22 April 2007
  5. 6. Briand C., Lecacheux A., Zarka P., Maksimovic M., “Faint drifting decamter radio bursts of the solar corona: a statistical study”, EGU, SP6, Wien, 15-22 April 2007
  6. 7. Bale S., Goetz K., Killog P.J., Bougeret J.L., Briand C., Maksimovic M. Mangeney A., Salem C., “Langmuir and electrostatic waveformes in the solar wind and shocks: First results from the S/WAVES experiment on STEREO” (sollicited), EGU, ST9, Wien,15-22 April 2007
  7. 8. Briand C., Bougeret J.L., Bonet Navaro, J. A., Breen, A., Candidi, M., Georgevia, K., Harrison, R., Marsden, R., Schmieder, B., von Steiger, R., “IHY in Europe”, 2007, Kick-off meeting of  ICESTAR, Helsinki, Février 2007
  8. 9. Bougeret J.L., C. Briand C., Maksimovic M., ASTRONET meeting, Poitiers Janvier 2007
  9. 10. Bougeret J.L. , Briand C., K. Issautier, S. Davy, "Radio burst tracking in the heliopshere and space weather prediction”, 2nd International Symposium on the KuaFu project, Janvier 2007
  10. 11. Briand C. et al. “IHY in Europe: organization anad activities under development”, 2006, The Physics of Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling, (Puerto Vallarta -Mexique), November 4-8, 2006
  11. 12. Davila, J.M., Gopalswamy, N., Harrison, R.A., Stamper, R., Briand, C., Potgieter, M.S., « Science Plans for the International Heliophysical Year », 2006, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract #U34A-04
  12. 13. Mangeney A, Briand C., “Electron holes formation in an electrically neutral stratified atmosphere”, 2006, AGU Fall meeting
  13. 14. Briand C., et al., “International Heliophysical Year: European Section”, 2006, SCOSTEP/CAWSES, Rio de Janeiro Mars 5-9 2006
  14. 15. Briand, C., et al.  “International Heliophysical Year in Europe”, 2005, Space Weather Week, 14 - 18th November 2005, ESA-ESTEC
  15. 16. Bougeret J.L., Briand, C., et al. “IHY Science and Organization in Europe”, 2005, IAGA Scientific Assembly, Toulouse Juillet 2005
  16. 17. Briand, C., et al. “IHY Science and Organization in Europe”, 2005, IV convegno della fisica solare Italiana – Trieste, 18-20 Octobre 2005  
  17. 18. Briand C., Mangeney A., Califano F., 2005, EGU meeting, Avril 2005
  18. 19. Briand C., " Strong Magnetic field: from theory to observations", 2002, Invited Talk of the 2nd Franco-Chinese meeting on Solar physics
  19. 20. Briand C., Collados M., P. Sütterlin, A. Vecchio, E. Pietropaolo, “Spectro-polarimetry on an active region”, THEMIS meeting, Toulouse, 2002, Eds. Arnaud J., Meunier N.
Chapitre de livre
  1. 21. Briand C., “Solar magnetic field at photospheric level”, 2003, in Recent Research developments in Astronomy and Astrophysics (vol I)”, Research Signpost, Ed. S.G. Pandalai, ISBN-81-271-0002-1