Yorick: Getting Started

Getting Started with Yorick

  1. The terminal window where you type interactive commands is not part of yorick. Neither is the text editor you use to compose yorick programs. The two recommended ways of starting yorick are either through rlwrap (rlwrap yorick) or within the emacs editor (emacs -f yorick).
  2. Quickly read the first three chapters of the user manual. The first chapter, in particular, is a yorick tutorial.
  3. Quickly read the quick reference. It contains a much more complete look at commonly used yorick functions and programming constructs than the user manual; become familiar with it.
  4. Choose one or more of the demonstration programs and work through it.
    a 1D hydro code written in yorick interpreted code
    solving the equations for the motion of a drumhead
    computing the motion of a chaotic pendulum
    plotting the flow past a Jakowski airfoil
    make crude 3D plots (yorick computes the projections)
  5. Yorick has a help command and a library command. Learn to use them, and learn to use your text editor to open and read the yorick interpreted code in the Y_SITE/i and Y_SITE/i0 directories. Often, the program you want to write will be similar to something in those directories.
  6. The yorick homepage has much more information about yorick, including user forums where you can get help.