Yorick packages

Standard Yorick Functions

std basic compiled and interpreted functions
graph 2D graphics functions
math Swarztrauber FFT routines and LAPACK matrix solving routines

Compiled (plugin) Yorick Packages

drat a 2D transport equation solver for (r,z) meshes
hex a 3D transport equation solver

Interpreted Yorick Packages

Tutorial example programs
demo1 a simple 1-D hydro code
demo2 fancy movies of a drumhead oscillating (solves 2D wave equation on the fly)
demo3 movie of a chaotic pendulum (does Runge-Kutta integration of Lagrangian on the fly)
demo4 movie of flow around an airfoil (solves for flow field on the fly)
demo5 interpreted 3-D graphics, demonstrating plwf, slice3
Mathematical special functions
bessel integer order Bessel functions
dawson Dawson's integral and error functions (erf)
elliptic elliptic functions and integrals
fermi Fermi-Dirac integrals and their inverses
fermii incomplete Fermi-Dirac integrals
gamma gamma and beta functions
gammp incomplete gamma and beta functions
legndr Legendre polynomials, associated Legendre functions
series geometric series solvers (e.g.- find number of terms given sum and ratio)
Data fitting and interpolation
cheby Chebyshev polynomial approximation
digit2 2D equivalents for digitize and interp
fitlsq least squares fit a piecewise linear function to data
fitrat polynomial and rational function fits
spline cubic spline and tensioned spline interpolation
Numerical integration
romberg Romberg and Simpson adaptive integrators
rkutta Runge-Kutta and Bulirsch-Stoer ODE integrators
Other mathematical utilities
bowtie detect and map bowties in 2D mesh
convol convolution using fft
filter analog signal processing (e.g.- Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev filters)
gcd GCD, LCM, prime factorization
ieee IEEE 754 floating point support (Inf, NaN, denormal)
kepler solar system models and digitial orrery
plato regular Platonic solids
random gaussian deviates, arbitrary piecewise linear deviates, rejection method, more
roots Newton-Raphson root and inverse, Brent maxima and minima
ylmdec spherical harmonic decomposition sketch for hex package
zroots find roots of polynomial
I/O utilities
basfix fix PDB binary file interface for use with Basis interpreter
copyb copy a binary file
fits read and write FITS files (IAU astronomical data)
hydra access hydra-generated Silo-PDB files
idlsave read IDL save files (RSI, see comment in idlsave.i)
multi multiple file extension to drat package
netcdf read and write netcdf binary files (usually only required to write)
pnm read and write PBM, PGM, and PBM files made by the pbmplus or netpbm packages
prefix read lists of numbers tagged by a "prefix" at the beginning of each line
silo open Silo/PDB files
Graphical utilities
button implement mouse pushbuttons in a Yorick graphics window (see rezone.i for usage examples)
color palette adjustment, HSV<->RGB transforms (study split_palette, split_bytscl in slice3.i for more color table ideas)
movie assistance for animation (see demo2.i and demo3.i)
pl3d first cut at 3-D graphics command line interface, defines common lighting, rotation and perspective transforms, gnomon (axis orientation indicator) plwf.i, slice3.i, and demo5.i contain usage examples
plclab label contour levels with numeric values
plwf 3-D wire frame plots (painter's algorithm)
pixels crude attempt to force Yorick to plot cell arrays at one cell per screen pixel
slice3 3-D mesh slicing functions, plus plotting functions
style low level peek and poke into graphics style sheets
Miscellaneous functions and utilities
make automatic Makefile generator for custom version of Yorick
md5 compute MD5 checksums (slowly via interpreter)
mkdoc extract and alphabetize DOCUMENT comments from include files
msort multiple key sorting functions
rays ray manipulation for drat package
rezone point-and-click rezoner for quadrilateral meshes
sysafe Replacement for system function (but not $ syntax)

Add-on packages

cubeview: a 3D FITS data viewer
cubeview a 3D data viewer specialized in spectro-imaging with three possible user-interfaces: Yorick-shell based ("text"), Yorick-graphics based ("tws"), and GTK-based
bear routines to interpret FITS files produced by the spectro-imager BEAR which used to be installed at Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)
yorgl: OpenGL 3D graphics
contour extract iso-surfaces and slicing planes from 3D meshes
dlist3d insert objects into the yorgl display, change the viewpoint, play the display list, etc.
glfunc 3D equivalents of functions such as window, mouse...
slicenew slices in 3D objects
imutil: fast image manipulation routines
imutil Compiled routines for basic but fast image manipulation. Includes 2d bilinear and spline2 interpolation, clipping, 2d dist generator, binning, image rotation, cartesian to polar coordinate transform, gaussian and poisson random generator, fast sort and fast median
spydr: FITS image display and analysis
spydr outermost functions implementing the GUI
spydr_psffit PSF fitting fuctions
spydr_various miscellaneous utilities
yao: an adaptive optics system simulator
yao external API for YAO
yao_gui Graphical functions in Yorick
aoutil utilities for yao.i
yao_util general purpose utilities that ship with YAO
newfits an alternative input/ouput interface to the FITS file format
turbulence create phase screens
yeti-fftw: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West
yeti_fftw complex, real-complex and complex-real fast fourier transform using FFTW2 (the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West - version 2)
yeti-gsl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) special functions
yeti_gsl 120 special functions from the GNU Scientific Library (GSL): Airy, Bessel, Clausen, Dawson, Debye, dilogarithm, complete elliptic integrals, error functions, eponential, Fermi-Dirac integrals, Gamma, Lambert, Legendre polynomials, synchrotron functions...
yeti: a collection of utilities
yeti hash table objects; wavelet filtering ("a trou" method); convolution; string functions; memory hacking routines; math functions (sinc, round, arc); generalized matrix-vector multiplication (with possibly sparse matrix); routines to query/check Yorick's symbols; morpho-math operators...
yeti_yhdf support for Yeti Hierarchical Data File
yeti-regex: POSIX regular expressions
yeti_regex regular expression matching
yeti-tiff: TIFF image format
yeti_tiff support for reading images in TIFF format
yutils: miscellaneous utilities
lmfit non-linear least-squares fit by Levenberg-Marquardt method
gauss lmfit-compatible Gaussian functions
linalg Linear Algebra functions
fft_utils fast Fourier transform utilities
poly 1D and 2D polynomial routines (evaluation, fit, ...)
random_et random number generator
astro_util1 miscellaneous utilisies for astronomers
constants physical constants
detect detection of local minima/maxima
doppler wavelength conversions due to Doppler effect and air
Plotting Routines
copy_plot copy/save/load Yorick plot
graphk alternate syntax for graphic routines: all keywords are set through only one, of type GraphK. This syntax is useful when one wants to carry graphic keywords trough programs in a handy way, not really for command line
histo histogram-related functions and plotting routines
idl-colors manipulate IDL color files
img utilities to manipulate, analyse, or plot images
plot additional routines for plotting
plvp viewport manipulation utilities
rgb interpret X11 color definitions
coords convert between various length units used in Yorick
pyk python bindings
rdcols read columns from ascii file
tws the Tiny Widget Set allows drawing buttons and the like in a Yorick graphic window to build graphical user interfaces. The result is far from perfect, but it's functional and portable
util_fr various utilities by François Rigaut, mostly shorthands
utils various utilities by Éric Thiébaut
yorz: support for compression, jpeg and png
yorz read and write support for the JPEG and PNG image formats and file (de)compression using zlib