section of routines in imutil.i

functions in imutil.i -


SEE _sedgesort_long  

SEE _sedgesort_long  

SEE _sedgesort_long  

  Interpolate regularly sampled 2D arrays using bilinear interpolation.  
    or  bilinear(image,dimx,dimy)  
    or  bilinear(image,x,y,grid=1)  
    or  bilinear(image,x,y)  
    Returns image interpolated by a factor N  
    Output dimension = N * input dimension  
    The whole image is interpolated  
    Returns interpolated image  
    Output dimension = dimx * dimy  
    The whole image is interpolated  
    Returns interpolated image on a grid of points specified  
    by the coordinates x & y. The output is a 2D array  
    of dimension numberof(x) * numberof(y).  
    Returns image interpolated at points of coordinates (x,y).  
    X and Y can be of any dimension, e.g. scalar (but in that  
    case it should be entered as a one element vector to avoid  
    confusion with the second form, e.g. bilinear(im,[245.34],[45.3])),  
    vectors (for instance along a line of circle) or can be 2D  
    array to specify an arbitrary transform (e.g. a rotation).  
    This is the general form of bilinear.   
  NOTE on the input coordinates: In the input image, the lower  
  left pixel has coordinates [xin(1),yin(1)]=[1,1]. Pixels are  
  spaced by one unit, so [xin(2),yin(1)]=[2,1],...  
  KEYWORD minus_one specify that the last column/row should not  
  be extrapolated, i.e. the output image extend from xin(1) to  
  xin(0) inclusive, not beyond (same for y).  
  EXAMPLES: if "image" is a 512x512 image:  
  bilinear(image,2) returns image interpolated on a 1024x1024 grid  
  bilinear(image,1024,800) returns image interpolated on a 1024x800 grid  
  bilinear(image,xreb,yreb,grid=1) returns image, interpolated in 2D  
  over a XY grid defined by xreb and yreb.  
  bilinear(image,[300.3],[200.4]) returns the interpolation of image  
  at point [300.3,200.4]  
  bilinear(image,indgen(512),indgen(512)) returns a vector of values  
  interpolated at [x,y] = [[1,1],[2,2],...,[512,512]]  
  x = (indgen(400)/3.+50)*array(1,200)(-,);  
  y = (array(1,400)*(indgen(200)/2.+55)(-,));  
  bilinear(image,x,y) returns a 2D interpolated array at indices defined  
  by x and Y  
  xy = indices(512);  
  alpha = 34*pi/180.;  
  x = cos(alpha)*xy(,,1)+sin(alpha)*xy(,,2);  
  y = -sin(alpha)*xy(,,1)+cos(alpha)*xy(,,2);  
  bilinear(image,x,y) returns image rotated by alpha  
SEE ALSO: spline2,   interp2  

             func bin2d(in,binfact)  
   Returns the input 2D array "in", binned with the binning factor "binfact".  
   The input array X and/or Y dimensions needs not to be a multiple of  
   "binfact"; The final/edge pixels are in effect replicated if needed.  
   This routine prepares the parameters and calls the C routine _bin2d.  
   The input array can be of type long, float or double.  
   Last modified: Dec 15, 2003.  
   Author: F.Rigaut  
SEE ALSO: _bin2d  

   Cartesian to Polar coordinate coordinate mapping  
   image : input image, in cartesian coorindate (square grid)  
   optional output: r: 1D vector to hold the r coordinates at  
   which output image is mapped theta: same for theta  
   xc, yc: Center for coordinate transform. Note that this is  
   compatible with the center defined by dist(), or rotate2(), but is  
   offset by 0.5 pixels w.r.t what you read on the yorick graphic  
   window. I.e. the center of the bottom- left pixel is (1,1) in this  
   function's conventions, not (0.5,0.5).  
   nr, ntheta: number of points over the output radius and theta range  
   tor: upper output radius value (in pixels)  
   splin: use spline2() instead of bilinear() for the interpolation  
   outside: value for outliers.  
SEE ALSO: rotate2,   spline2,   bilinear  

             func clip(inarray, mini, maxi);  
  Returns the argument, which has been "clipped" to mini  
  and maxi, i.e. in which all elements lower than "mini"  
  have been replaced by "mini" and all elements greater  
  than "maxi" by "maxi".   
  Either "mini" and "maxi" can be ommited, in which case  
  the corresponding mini or maxi is not clipped.  
  Equivalent to the IDL ">" and "<" operators.  
  Can clip in place  
  prompt> clip,a,0.,1.  
  or out of place  
  prompt> res = clip(a,0.,1.)  
  F.Rigaut, 2001/11/10.  
  2003/12/4: Using now a C version which is called from this routine.  

             func cpc(im,fmin,fmax)  
   return clipped image at  
   from cmin=fraction fmin of pixel intensity  
   to   cmax=fraction fmax of pixel intensity  
   0 <= fmin < fmax <= 1  
   example: pli,cpc(im)  

             func dist(dim,xc=,yc=)  
  Return an array which elements are the distance to (xc,yc). xc and  
  yc can be omitted, in which case they are defaulted to size/2+1.  
  F.Rigaut, 2003/12/10.  

             func eclat(image)  
  Equivalent, but significantly faster than roll. Transpose the four main  
  quadrants of a 2D array. Mostly used for FFT applications.  
  The C function can be called directly in time critical loops as  
  with type = long, float or double (e.g. _eclat_float,...)  
   Can invoque in place  
   prompt> eclat,image  
   or out of place  
   prompt> res = eclat(image)  
  F.Rigaut, 2001/11/10.  
SEE ALSO: roll  

             func gaussdev(dims)  
   Returns an array (as specified by dims) of random values  
   following a normal distribution of mean=0 and standard  
   deviation = 1.  
   gaussdev(100) returns a 100 element vector  
   gaussdev([2,512,512]) returns a 512x512 array  
SEE ALSO: poidev  

SEE is_scalar  

             func poidev(vec)  
   Compute random values following a Poisson Distribution.  
   Input: array containing the desired mean value(s)  
   output: randomized array of same dimension  
   p = poidev(array(20.,[2,128,128]));  
   returns a 128x128 array with pixels following a Poisson distrib.  
   of mean=20.  
SEE ALSO: gaussdev  

   Rotate the input image. Angle is in degrees, CCW.  
   xc, yc: Center for coordinate transform. Note that this is  
   compatible with the center defined by dist(), or cart2pol(), but is  
   offset by 0.5 pixels w.r.t what you read on the yorick graphic  
   window. I.e. the center of the bottom- left pixel is (1,1) in this  
   function's conventions, not (0.5,0.5).  
   splin: use spline2() instead of bilinear() for the interpolation  
   outside: value for outliers.  
SEE ALSO: spline2,   cart2pol,   bilinear  

             func sedgemedian(vec)  
   Returns the median of the input array (1D). Uses sedgesort fast  
SEE ALSO: sedgesort,   median  

             func sedgesort(vec)  
   Fast sort method. Typically 2 to 5 times faster than the yorick  
   stock function. Only valid input is a 1D array.  
   WARNING! Returns the sorted vector. This is different than the  
   stock yorick sort, which returns a vector of indices.  
SEE ALSO: sort,   sedgemedian  

  Interpolate regularly sampled 2D arrays using 2D spline.  
    or  spline2(image,dimx,dimy)  
    or  spline2(image,x,y,grid=1)  
    or  spline2(image,x,y)  
    Returns image interpolated by a factor N  
    Output dimension = N * input dimension  
    The whole image is interpolated  
    Returns interpolated image  
    Output dimension = dimx * dimy  
    The whole image is interpolated  
    Returns interpolated image on a grid of points specified  
    by the coordinates x & y. The output is a 2D array  
    of dimension numberof(x) * numberof(y).  
    Returns image interpolated at points of coordinates (x,y).  
    X and Y can be of any dimension, e.g. scalar (but in that  
    case it should be entered as a one element vector to avoid  
    confusion with the second form, e.g. spline2(im,[245.34],[45.3])),  
    vectors (for instance along a line of circle) or can be 2D  
    array to specify an arbitrary transform (e.g. a rotation).  
    This is the general form of spline2. It is significantly  
    slower than the previous forms that take advantage of the  
    cartesian nature of the output coordinates, so don't  
    use it unless it is necessary.  
  NOTE on the input coordinates: In the input image, the lower  
  left pixel has coordinates [xin(1),yin(1)]=[1,1]. Pixels are  
  spaced by one unit, so [xin(2),yin(1)]=[2,1],...  
  KEYWORD minus_one specify that the last column/row should not  
  be extrapolated, i.e. the output image extend from xin(1) to  
  xin(0) inclusive, not beyond (same for y).  
  KEYWORD mask can be used if some of the input image pixels  
  are invalid and not to be used to compute the output image.  
  Bad pixel can be interpolated using mask. Mask is an array  
  of same dimension as image. 0 mark an invalid data point.  
  EXAMPLES: if "image" is a 512x512 image:  
  spline2(image,2) returns image interpolated on a 1024x1024 grid  
  spline2(image,1024,800) returns image interpolated on a 1024x800 grid  
  spline2(image,xreb,yreb,grid=1) returns image, interpolated in 2D  
  over a XY grid defined by xreb and yreb.  
  spline2(image,[300.3],[200.4]) returns the interpolation of image  
  at point [300.3,200.4]  
  spline2(image,indgen(512),indgen(512)) returns a vector of values  
  interpolated at [x,y] = [[1,1],[2,2],...,[512,512]]  
  x = (indgen(400)/3.+50)*array(1,200)(-,);  
  y = (array(1,400)*(indgen(200)/2.+55)(-,));  
  spline2(image,x,y) returns a 2D interpolated array at indices defined  
  by x and Y  
  xy = indices(512);  
  alpha = 34*pi/180.;  
  x = cos(alpha)*xy(,,1)+sin(alpha)*xy(,,2);  
  y = -sin(alpha)*xy(,,1)+cos(alpha)*xy(,,2);  
  spline2(image,x,y) returns image rotated by alpha  
SEE ALSO: bilinear,   spline