section of routines in kepler.i

functions in kepler.i -


  orbital elements from  
  "Mean orbit solutions from a 250 yr. least squares fit of the  
  DE200 planetarty ephemeris to a Keplerian orbit where each element  
  is allowed to vary linearly with time.  This solution fits the  
  terrestrial planets to 25" or better, but achieves only 600" for  
  Saturn.  Elements are referenced to mean ecliptic and equinox  
  of J2000 at the J2000 epoch (2451545.0 JD)."  
  J2000 = 2000 January 1.5  
  WARNING: these elements are 1.5 JD later than sch_planets  
  argument of perihelion = longitude of perihelion -  
                           longitude of ascending node  
  mean anomaly = mean longitude - longitude of perihelion  
  1 Julian century = 36525 days  

             xyz = kepler(orbit, time)  
          or xyz = kepler(orbit, time, ma, ta, norb)  
     return 3-dimsof(orbit(1,..))-by-dimsof(time) XYZ coordinates  
     corresponding to the orbit(s) ORBIT and time(s) TIME.  Optionally  
     return mean anomaly MA, true anomaly TA, and integer number of  
     orbits, each a dimsof(orbit(1,..))-by-dimsof(time) array.  The  
     MA and TA are in radians.  The x-axis is along the line of the  
     vernal equinox, the z-axis is ecliptic north.  
     ORBIT has leading dimension 12: [angle from perihelion, mean daily  
     motion, semi-major axis, d/dt(semi-major axis), eccentricity,  
     d/dt(eccentricity), longitude of ascending node, d/dt(ascending  
     node), angle from ascending node to perihelion, d/dt(perihelion),  
     inclination, d/dt(inclination)]  
     (Six pairs of a quantity and its time derivative.)  
     The angles are in degrees; d/dt units must match TIME units.  
     Mean anomaly is not an angle in real space; it is the quantity  
     proportional to time in Kepler's equation.  True anomaly is the  
     angle from perihelion to planet.  
     With a non-nil, non-zero full= keyword, return XYZUVW -- that is,  
     six coordinates including velocities as well as positions.  
SEE ALSO: sch_planets,   jpl_planets,   sch_moon,   moon,  

             xyz = kepler2(orbit, xyz0)  
          or xyz = kepler2(orbit, xyz0, time, ma, ta)  
     return dimsof(xyz0) XYZ coordinates corresponding to the orbit(s)  
     ORBIT and direction(s) XYZ0.  The dimensions of ORBIT beyond the  
     first, if any, must match those of XYZ0, although XYZ0 may have  
     any number of trailing dimensions.  
     Optionally return TIME, mean anomaly MA, and true anomaly TA,  
     each a dimsof(orbit(1,..))-by-dimsof(time) array.  The MA and TA  
     are in radians.  The x-axis is along the line of the vernal  
     equinox, the z-axis is ecliptic north.  The XYZ0 direction is first  
     projected into the plane of the orbit; then XYZ will be proportional  
     to XYZ0.  The time derivatives of the ORBIT elements are ignored.  
     ORBIT has leading dimension 12: [angle from perihelion, mean daily  
     motion, semi-major axis, d/dt(semi-major axis), eccentricity,  
     d/dt(eccentricity), longitude of ascending node, d/dt(ascending  
     node), angle from ascending node to perihelion, d/dt(perihelion),  
     inclination, d/dt(inclination)]  
     (Six pairs of a quantity and its time derivative.)  
     The angles are in degrees; d/dt units must match TIME units.  
     Mean anomaly is not an angle in real space; it is the quantity  
     proportional to time in Kepler's equation.  True anomaly is the  
     angle from perihelion to planet.  
SEE ALSO: sch_planets,   jpl_planets,   sch_moon,   moon,  

             xyz = moon(time)  
     return position XYZ of the moon relative to center of earth  
     at TIME; the XYZ has leading dimension 3; x is along the vernal  
     equinox, z is ecliptic north.  The corrections to the lunar orbit  
     are from Schlyter (see sch_moon).  Claimed accurate to 2 arc minutes  
     over some reasonable time.  TIME is in days since 0/Jan/00 (that is,  
     0000 UT 31/Dec/99).  This is 1.5 days earlier than the J2000 epoch.  
SEE ALSO: solar_system,   sch_moon,   kepler  

SEE sch_planets  

             sch_planets, sch_moon  
  from "How to compute planetary positions",  
  by Paul Schlyter of Stockholm, Sweden  
  "Please note that the orbital elements of Uranus and Neptune as given  
  here are somewhat less accurate.  They include a long period perturbation  
  between Uranus and Neptune.  The period of the perturbation is about  
  4200 years."  
  After corrections in the case of the moon, jupiter, saturn, and uranus,  
  these are claimed to be accurate to under 1 arc minute for the inner  
  planets, about 1 arc minute for the outer planets, and 2 arc minutes  
  for the moon.  

             xyz = moon(time)  
     return position XYZ of the moon relative to center of earth  
     at TIME; the XYZ has leading dimension 3; x is along the vernal  
     equinox, z is ecliptic north.  Corrections due to Schlyter (see  
     sch_planets) are applied.  Claimed accurate to under 1 arc minute  
     over some reasonable time.  TIME is in days since 0/Jan/00 (that is,  
     0000 UT 31/Dec/99).  This is 1.5 days earlier than the J2000 epoch.  
SEE ALSO: solar_system,   sch_moon,   kepler