section of routines in regress.i

functions in regress.i -


             model = regress(y, [x1,x2,x3,...])  
         or model = regress(y, [x1,x2,x3,...], axes, vals, chi2)  
    Performs linear regression analysis, that is, a linear least squares  
    fit of the parametric model  
       y = model(1)*x1 + model(2)*x2 + model(3)*x3 + ...  
         = model(+) * [x1,x2,x3,...](..,+)  
    to the supplied data Y, [X1,X2,X3,...].  Y is an array, and the  
    Xi arrays should have the same dimensions as Y, or more accurately  
    [X1,X2,X3,...] must have one trailing dimension beyond the dimensions  
    of Y; the length of the trailing dimension is the number of parameters  
    in the model.  
    Use the sigy= keyword to pass in the standard deviations of the Y  
    values; sigy must be conformable with Y.  The returned model has  
    minimum chi2, where  
      chi2 = sum( (y - model(+) * [x1,x2,x3,...](..,+))^2 / sigy^2 )  
    The default sigy=1, that is, all points have equal weight in chi2.  
    The optional AXES, VALS, and CHI2 arguments are outputs.  AXES are  
    the axes of the error ellipsoid of the fitted parameters, and VALS  
    are the corresponding singular values.  AXES(i,) is the vector in  
    the space of model() corresponding to VALS(i).  The VALS are  
    non-negative and arranged in descending order.  CHI2 is the  
    chi2 value for the returned model, divided by the number of  
    degrees of freedom in the fit, numberof(y)-sum(vals>rcond*vals(1)).  
    AXES(i,) are mutually orthogonal unit vectors; you should arrange  
    the magnitudes of X and Y so this makes sense - their scale factors  
    may matter.  Usually this means arranging that the magnitudes of  
    the elements of the returned model not differ too wildly.  
    Often and unexpectedly, the data do not permit a definitive choice  
    of the model(); there may be entire subspaces of the model space  
    which produce indistinguishably good fits to the data.  The signature  
    of this problem is that some of the VALS may be zero or very small.  
    The rcond= keyword permits you to specify how small a singular  
    value, relative to the largest, VALS(1), you are willing to consider.  
    The AXES(i,) corresponding to VALS(i) smaller than rcond*VALS(1)  
    will be given zero contribution to the returned model().  The default  
    value is rcond=1.e-9.  If any of the returned VALS is less than  
    rcond*VALS(1) you should either change the scales of Y or some X,  
    or remove some of the X (the ones which aren't contributing) to  
    eliminate the problem.  The regress function reverses the sign of  
    any VALS which are less than rcond*VALS(1), so you can quickly  
    identify them.  
      ab = regress(y, [1,x]);  
        ab(1)+ab(2)*x   is best fit line to y(x)  
      ab = regress(y, [1,x,x^2,x^3]);  
        poly(x,ab(1),ab(2),ab(3))   is best fit cubic to y(x)  
      ab = regress(y, [cos(x),sin(x)]);  
        ab(1)*cos(x)+ab(2)*sin(x)   is best fit period 2*pi sine wave to y(x)  
SEE ALSO: regress_cov  

             cov = regress_cov(axes, vals)  
         or cov = chi2 * regress_cov(axes, vals)  
    Return the covariance matrix for the model returned by regress,  
    where AXES and VALS are the values returned by regress.  This  
    is a symmetric matrix representing  
    that is, the variances (on the diagonal i=j) and correlations  
    of the model parameters.  
    If you did not specify the sigy= keyword in the original call to  
    regress, then the absolute magnitudes of the covariance matrix  
    elements do not mean much.  In case you wish to use the quality  
    of the fit itself as an estimate of the errors sigy in the  
    original Y values, assuming they are all equal, you can multiply  
    by the CHI2 returned by regress, as in the second form above,  
    in order to produce an estimated error in the fit.  See Numerical  
    Recipes for caveats, but this is what commercial statistics  
    software generally does.  
    cov(1::numberof(vals)+1) are the variances of the model parameters  
SEE ALSO: regress