section of routines in rgb.i

functions in rgb.i -


       -or- rgb_build_databases, file;    
     Builds RGB database files "rgb.txt", "rgb1.i", "rgb2.i", and "rgb3.i"  
     in directory Y_USER from X11 RGB database FILE (default  
     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt").  Existing files get overwritten.  
SEE ALSO: rgb_load,   rgb_uncapitalize  

       -or- db = rgb_load();  
     Loads RGB  color database (from  X11 distribution).  When called  as a  
     subroutine, the  external symbol "rgb" get defined.   The database can  
     be used as follows:  
        plg, y, x, color=rgb.light_goldenrod  
        plg, y, x, color=rgb.dark_slate_grey  
     The  color names are  all lower  case with  un underscore  to separate  
     words.  If  you prefer  using global names  for _all_ RBG  colors then  
     just include "rgb1.i" (then the color names are prefixed with "rgb_"):  
        include, Y_USER+"rgb1.i";  
        plg, y, x, color=rgb_goldenrod;  
SEE ALSO: rgb_build_databases  

     Returns uncapitalizeed version of array of strings S:  
       "dark slate blue"  ->  "dark_slate_blue"  
       "DarkSlateBlue"    ->  "dark_slate_blue"  
SEE ALSO: rgb_build_databases