Back: Runtime errors Forward: 2. Using Array Syntax   FastBack: 1. Basic Ideas Up: 1.3.7 Error Messages FastForward: 2. Using Array Syntax         Top: Yorick: An Interpreted Language Contents: Table of Contents About: About This Document How to respond to a runtime error

When Yorick stops with a runtime error, you have a choice: You can either type the next statment you want to execute, or you can type a carriage return (that is, a blank line) to enter debug mode. The two possibilities would look like this:

ERROR (damped_wave) math library exception handler called
  LINE: 19  FILE: /home/icf/munro/damped.i
 To enter debug mode, type <RETURN> now (then dbexit to get out)
> amplitude = damped_wave(theta, 2.5)
ERROR (damped_wave) math library exception handler called
  LINE: 19  FILE: /home/icf/munro/damped.i
 To enter debug mode, type <RETURN> now (then dbexit to get out)

In the second case, you have entered debug mode, and the dbug> prompt appears. In debug mode, Yorick leaves the function which was executing and its entire calling chain intact. You can type any Yorick statement; usually you will print some values or plot some arrays to try to determine what went wrong. When you reference or modify a variable which is local to the function, you will "see" its local value:

dbug> nu; 1-nu*nu

As soon as possible, you should escape from debug mode using the dbexit function:

dbug> dbexit

You may also be able to repair the function's local variables and resume execution. To modify the value of a variable, simply redefine it with an ordinary Yorick statement. The dbcont function continues execution, beginning by re-executing the statement which failed to complete. Use the help function (see section The help function) to learn about the other debugging functions; the help for the dbexit function describes them all.