Back: 2.2 Interpolating Forward: 2.3.1 Scalar indices and array order   FastBack: 2. Using Array Syntax Up: 2. Using Array Syntax FastForward: 3. Graphics         Top: Yorick: An Interpreted Language Contents: Table of Contents About: About This Document

2.3 Indexing

Yorick has a bewildering variety of different ways to refer to individual array elements or subsets of array elements. In order to master the language, you must learn to use them all. Nearly all of the examples later in this manual use one or more of these indexing techniques, so trust me to show you how to use them later:

Back: 2.2 Interpolating Forward: 2.3.1 Scalar indices and array order   FastBack: 2. Using Array Syntax Up: 2. Using Array Syntax FastForward: 3. Graphics         Top: Yorick: An Interpreted Language Contents: Table of Contents About: About This Document