Institut national de recherche scientifique français Univerité Pierre et Marie Curie Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7

GriF Fabry-Perot set-up procedures

mercredi 12 novembre 2008

To be done by CFHT staff

Before installing the FP in the GriF spacer, the following procedures must be followed for the set-up of the FP :
– remove the Gumball densities
– check that the proper resistance has been connected in the CS 100
– adjust the potentiometers of the CS 100 front panel to the appropriate values
– close the loop on the CS 1000
– adjust by eye the parallelism of the FP

The FP can now be placed in the GriF spacer.

Then, the following procedures must be followed :
– adjust the default values of the FP parallelism
– focus the different KIR filters and GriF grism(s ?)

To be done then by the observer and/or the support astronomer (as an introduction to GriF)

Preliminary operations to be followed : from the GriF Neptune session,
– open an first Xterm window (called "GriF Xterm" in the following), type “grifin” and then “bash”
– open a second Xterm (called "IDL Xterm" in the following), on which you log on kou (with the observer login/passwd), copy /h/grif/idl/idl_setup on the home directory of the observer account, execute "source idl_setup", change to directory "/h/grif", and run idl
– open a third Xterm (called "Phase Xterm" in the following) and type “bash”

Then, the observer should follow the following procedures :
– first wavelength calibration
– check the parallelism of the FP

To be done then by the observer

The FP is now ready for astronomical observations. These are made of the following operations :
– wavelength calibration
– type in the GriF Xterm " grifsetup clean" and "grifsetup object" before doing the scan of the object (astronomical object, PSF, calibration star)
– flat field (white light cube)

In the following page, you will find the different commands/files used with GriF