CNRS astronomy school: From solar environment to stellar environment

CNRS astronomy school:
From solar environment to stellar environment

from April 4 to April 7, 2011
at "Station biologique du CNRS" in Roscoff


Monday:Wind and disks
12h00-14h15Welcome drink and lunch
14h15-14h30J.-P. Rozelot & C. NeinerOpening of the school
14h30-15h30P. Stee Stellar winds & interferometry of hot massive stars
15h30-16h15F. MalbetVery close environment of young stars
16h15-16h45Coffee break
16h45-17h45O. ChesneauObservations of dusty torii and compact disks: the high spatial resolution infrared view
17h45-18h45E. AlecianAccretion disks
09h15-10h00J.C. VialNature and variability of plasmas ejected by the Sun
10h00-10h45K. Georgevia (I)Space weather and space climate: solar drivers and terrestrial effects
10h45-11h15Coffee break
11h15-12h15L. Rezeau (I)Choc waves and discontinuities in plasmas
14h00-15h45Free time
15h45-16h15Coffee break
16h15-17h00L. Rezeau (II)Turbulence in the boundary regions and in the solar wind
17h00-17h45K. Georgevia (II)Space weather and space climate: solar drivers and terrestrial effects
17h45-18h30S. LefebvreInfluence of solar variability on terrestrial atmosphere through stratosphere
18h30-19h15J.-P. RozelotSpace climate on extrasolar planetary systems
09h00-09h45S. Mathis (I)Tidal effects in star-planet systems
09h45-10h30F. MillourInteractions in massive binaries as seen by interferometry
10h30-11h00Coffee break
11h00-12h00A. ud-Doula (I)Stellar winds, MHD and disks
14h00-16h30Visit of the "Station biologique"
16h30-17h00Coffee break
17h00-17h45S. Mathis (II)Tidal effects in star-planet systems
17h45-18h30A. ud-Doula (II)Stellar winds, MHD and disks
18h30-19h15P. PetitMagnetic field and convection in Betelgeuse
Thursday:Special session
09h00-10h00K. GadreDe l'archéoastronomie égyptienne a l'archéologie spatiale
10h00-10h45L. CapelliPresentation of the Hal open archives
10h45-11h15Coffee break
11h15-12h00J.-P. Rozelot, C. Neiner, M. ClatotGeneral conclusions

Special events:

Wednesday from 14h to 16h30: Visit of the "Station biologique"
Wednesday: Special diner
Thursday: Special session