RĂ©sultats 1 - 10 sur un total de 90
Joshi Reetika, Schmieder Brigitte, Aulanier Guillaume, Bommier VĂ©ronique, Chandra Ramesh.
Twist transfer to a solar jet from a big flux rope detected in the HMI magnetogram.
COSPAR 2021, Jan 2021, Sydney, Australia.
Référence HAL : hal-03025413
Almahasneh Majedaldein, Paiement Adeline, Xie Xianghua, Aboudarham Jean.
Active region detection in multi-spectral solar images.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM), Feb 2021, online, Austria.
Référence HAL : hal-03040990
Fouchet Thierry, Johnson J. R., Forni O., Reess J.-M., Bernardi P., Newell R. T., Ollila A., Legett C., Beck P., Cousin A., Royer C., Pilorget C., Poulet F., Pilleri P., Cloutis E., Mcconnochie T., Montmessin Franck, Brown A. J., Wiens R. C., Maurice S..
Supercam Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Onboard the Perseverance Rover.
52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2021, Vitual Meeting, Unknown Region. pp.LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.1939.
Référence ADS : 2021LPI....52.1939F
Référence HAL : insu-03202138
Wiens Roger, Maurice Sylvestre, Gasnault Olivier, Anderson R., Beyssac Olivier, Bonal Lydie, Clegg Samuel, Deflores Lauren, Dromart Gilles, Fischer W., Forni O., Grotzinger John, Johnson Jeffrey, Martinez-Frias Jesus, Mangold N., Mclennan Scott, Montmessin Franck, Rull Fernando, Sharma Shiv, Cousin A., Pilleri Paolo, Sautter Violaine, Lewin Eric, Cloutis Edward, Poulet François, Bernard Sylvain, Mcconnochie Timothy, Lanza Nina, Newsom Horton, Ollila Ann, Leveille Rich, Le Mouélic S., Lasue Jérémy, Melikechi Noureddine, Meslin Pierre-Yves, Grasset Olivier, Angel Stanley, Fouchet Thierry, Beck P., Bousquet Bruno, Fabre Cécile, Pinet P., Benzerara Karim, Montagnac Gilles, Arana G., Castro K., Laserna J., Madariaga J.-M., Manrique J.-A., Lopez G., Lorenz Ralph, Mimoun David, Acosta-Maeda T., Alvarez C., Dehouck E., Delory G., Doressoundiram Alain, Francis R., Frydenvang J., Gabriel T., Jacob X., Madsen M., Moros J., Murdoch N., Newell R., Porter J., Quantin-Nataf C., Rapin W., Schröder S., Sobron P., Toplis M., Brown A., Veneranda M., Chide B., Legett C., Royer C., Stott A., Vogt D., Robinson S., Delapp D., Clavé E., Connell S., Essunfeld A., Gallegos Z., Garcia-Florentino C., Gibbons E., Huidobro J., Kelly E., Kalucha H., Ruiz P., Torre-Fdez I., Shkolyar S..
SuperCam on the Perseverance Rover for Exploration of Jezero Crater: Remote LIBS, VISIR, Raman, and Time-Resolved Luminescence Spectroscopies Plus Micro-Imaging and Acoustics.
52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2021, Virtual Meeting, United States.
Référence HAL : insu-03204803
Morooka Michiko, Khotyaintsev Yuri, Eriksson Anders, Edberg Niklas, Johansson Erik, Maksimovic Milan, Bale Stuart, Chust Thomas, Krasnoselskikh Volodya, Kretzschmar Matthieu, Lorfèvre Eric, Plettemeier Dirk, SouÄŤek Jan, Steller Manfred, Ĺ tverák Ĺ tÄ›pán, TrávnĂÄŤek Pavel, Vaivads Andris, Vecchio Antonio.
Impact induced electric field signals observed by the Solar Orbiter/RPW.
EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, online, France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13801⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13801
Référence HAL : hal-03215400
Edberg Niklas, Hadid Lina, Maksimovic Milan, Bale Stuart, Chust Thomas, Khotyaintsev Yuri, Krasnoselskikh Volodya, Kretzschmar Matthieu, Lorfèvre Eric, Plettemeier Dirk, SouÄŤek Jan, Steller Manfred, Ĺ tverák Ĺ tÄ›pán, TrávnĂÄŤek Pavel, Vaivads Andris, Vecchio Antonio, Horbury Tim.
Solar Orbiter/Radio and Plasma Wave observations during the first Venus flyby.
EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, online, France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12198⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12198
Référence HAL : hal-03215601
Graham Daniel, Khotyaintsev Yuri, Steinvall Konrad, Vaivads Andris, Maksimovic Milan, Edberg Niklas, Johansson Erik, Eriksson Anders, Kretzschmar Matthieu, Chust Thomas.
Thin current sheets and the associated wave activity observed by Solar Orbiter.
EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, online, France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15860⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15860
Référence HAL : hal-03215712
Kretzschmar Matthieu, Chust Thomas, Graham Daniel, Krasnosekskikh Volodya, Colomban Lucas, Maksimovic Milan, Horbury Timothy, Owen Christofer, Louarn Philippe.
Whistler waves observed by Solar Orbiter during its first orbit.
EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, online, France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15195⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-15195
Référence HAL : hal-03215772
Drossart Pierre, Coude Du Foresto Vincent, Tinetti Giovanna, Ollivier Marc, Eccleston Paul, Lagage Pierre-Olivier, Beaulieu Jean-Philippe, Berthé Michel, Amiaux Jerôme, Danto Pascale.
The French Participation to the ESA/ARIEL mission.
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Jan 2021, Sydney, Australia.
Référence HAL : hal-03277605
Solomonidou Anezina, Coustenis Athena, Le Gall Alice, Lopes Rosaly, Malaska Michael, Schmidtt Bernard, Lawrence Kenneth, Elachi Charles, Schoenfeld Ashley, Sotin Christophe, Wall Stephen, Markonis Yannis, Matsoukas Christos.
Compositional mapping of Titan's surface using Cassini VIMS and RADAR data.
European Planetary Science Congress 2021, Sep 2021, Virtual Meeting, France. ⟨10.5194/epsc2021-137⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/epsc2021-137
Référence HAL : insu-03311384