Institut national de recherche scientifique français Univerité Pierre et Marie Curie Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7

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Catalogue HAL pour l'année 2024

RĂ©sultats 1 - 10 sur un total de 38

Communications à une conférence

Wiens Roger, Clavé Elise, Beck Pierre, Royer Clément, Bedford Candice, Beyssac Olivier, Quantin-Nataf Cathy, Bosak Tanja, Udry Arya, Mangold Nicolas, Dehouck Erwin, Maurice Sylvestre, Cousin Agnès, Forni Olivier, Caravaca Gwénaël, Brown Adrian, Mandon Lucia, Johnson Jeffrey, M. Clegg Samuel, Ollila Ann, Anderson Ryan B., Gabriel Travis, Gasda Patrick, Simon Justin, Horgan Briony, Poulet François, Pilorget Cédric, Connell Stephanie, Manelski Henry, Schröder Susanne, Fouchet Thierry, Frydenvang Jens, Gasnault Olivier, Kalucha Hemani, Lasue Jérémie, Le Mouélic Stéphane, López-Reyes Guillermo, Madariaga Juan Manuel, Arana Gorka, Aramendia Julene, Poblacion Iratxe, García-Manrique Juan Antonio, Pinet Patrick, Sharma S., Stack Kathryn, Farley Kenneth A.. Chemistry and mineralogy of the margin unit, Jezero Crater, Mars, observed by M2020 / Supercam. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Mar 2024, The Woodlands (Texas), United States. pp.1329.
Référence HAL : hal-04445424

Barucci M. A., Bernardi P, Reess J.-M, Fornasier S, Merlin F, Poggiali G, David G, Doressoundiram A, Gautier Thomas, Le Du M, Piou V, Sawyer E, Iwata T, Nakagawa H, Nakamura T. MIRS: MMX Infrared Spectrometer to Martian System. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2024, The Woodlands, United States. pp.LPI Contribution No. 3040, id.1427.
Référence ADS : 2024LPICo3040.1427B
Référence HAL : insu-04542942

Poggiali Giovanni, Wargnier A, Fossi L, Lelarge S, Beccarelli J, Brucato J, Barucci M, Pajola M, Masotta M, Matsuoka M, Beck P, Nakamura T, Merlin F, Fornasier S, Doressoundiram A, Gautier Thomas, David G. Deciphering Remote Sensing Data from Micro- to Macro-Scale: New Laboratory Investigations on Grain Size and Mineral Mixing in Support of Solar System Exploration. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2024, The Woodlands, United States. pp.LPI Contribution No. 3040, id.1953.
Référence ADS : 2024LPICo3040.1953P
Référence HAL : insu-04545063

Encrenaz Therese, Greathouse Thomas, Giles Rohini, Widemann Thomas, Bezard Bruno, Lefèvre Franck, Lefevre Maxence, Shao Wencheng, Sagawa Hideo, Marcq Emmanuel, Arredondo Anicia. Ground-based thermal mapping of Venus: HDO and SO2 monitoring and upper limits of NH3, PH3 and HCN at the cloud top. EGU General Assembly 2024, Apr 2024, Vienna and Online, Austria. pp.EGU24-4022, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4022⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4022
Référence HAL : insu-04503747

Solomonidou Anezina, Coustenis Athena, Le Gall Alice, Haynes Paul, Malaska Michael J., Lopes Rosaly M. C., Nixon Conor. Understanding the Composition of Titan’s Surface from Remote Sensing Data. IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Jul 2024, Athens, Greece. pp.6092-6095, ⟨10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10641886⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10641886
Référence HAL : insu-04637300

Dehouck Erwin, Forni Olivier, Quantin-Nataf Cathy, Beck Pierre, Mangold Nicolas, Beyssac Olivier, Royer Clément, Clavé Elise, Johnson Jeffrey, Mandon Lucia, Poulet François, Udry Arya, López-Reyes Guillermo, Caravaca Gwénaël, Maurice Sylvestre, Wiens Roger, Stack Kathryn, Anderson Ryan B., Bernard Sylvain, Bosak Tanja, Broz Adrian, Castro Kepa, M. Clegg Samuel, Cousin Agnès, Dromart Gilles, Farley Kenneth A., Fouchet Thierry, Frydenvang Jens, Gabriel Travis, Gasda Patrick, Gibbons Erin, Horgan Briony, Hurowitz Joel, Kalucha Hemani, Lasue Jérémie, Le Mouélic Stéphane, Madariaga Juan, Meslin Pierre-Yves, Nachon Marion, Núñez Jorge, Pilleri Paolo, Pilorget C., Rice James W., Russell Patrick, Schröder Susanne, Shuster David L., Siebach Kirsten, Simon Justin, Weiss Benjamin, Williams Amy, Team The Supercam. Chemostratigraphy and Mineralogy of the Jezero Western Fan as Seen by the SuperCam Instrument: Evidence for a Complex Aqueous History and Variable Alteration Conditions. Tenth International Conference on Mars 2024, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Jul 2024, Pasadena (California), United States. pp.LPI Contribution No. 3007, 2024, id.3364.
Référence ADS : 2024LPICo3007.3364D
Référence HAL : hal-04650266

Duprat J, Viennet J-C, Roskosz M, Morand M, Boccato S, Amand L, Garino Y, Doisneau B, Pont S, Verdier-Paoletti M, Bernard S, Beyssac O, Gounelle M, Aléon J, Sans-Jofre P, Zanda B, Avice G, Girault F, Moynier F, Brunetto R, Pilorget C, Poulet F, Engrand C, Delauche L, Dartois E, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Barucci M, Bonal L, Beck P, Lemelle L, Simionovici A, Libourel G, Mangold N, Rosenblatt P, Meslin P.-, Quitté G, Maurice S, Cousin A, Sabot Benoit, Chacartegui Rojo I, Pierre Sylvie, Boyet Maud. The CNME Project, a National Curation Center for Extraterrestrial Samples in France. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Mar 2024, The Woodlands, United States.
Référence ADS : 2024LPICo3040.1569D
Référence HAL : hal-04652107

Le Contel Olivier, Lavraud Benoit, Retino Alessandro, Kretzschmar Matthieu, GĂ©not Vincent, Alexandrova Olga, Mansour Malik, Amoros Carine, Jannet Guillaume, Baruah Rituparna, Mehrez Fatima, Camus Thierry, Alison Dominique, Grigoriev Alexander, Revillet Claire, Studniarek Marina, Mirioni Laurent, Agrapart ClĂ©mence, Sou GĂ©rard, Geyskens Nicolas. The French contribution for the NASA HelioSwarm mission. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 (EGU24), Apr 2024, Vienna, Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9272⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9272
Référence ADS : 2024EGUGA..26.9272L
Référence HAL : insu-04652302

Dazzi Pietro, Lavorenti Federico, Henri P., Issautier Karine. Mutual impedance and quasi-thermal noise to measure electron properties at Mercury: merging simulations of the magnetosphere and of the instrumental apparatus. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 (EGU24), Apr 2024, Vienna, Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13502⟩.
Référence DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13502
Référence ADS : 2024EGUGA..2613502D
Référence HAL : insu-04652297

Gutierrez Yann, Mazoyer Johan, Herscovici-Schiller Olivier, Mugnier Laurent M., Abeloos Baptiste, Laginja Iva. A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Wavefront Control for Exoplanet Imaging. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Jun 2024, Yokohama, Japan.
Référence HAL : hal-04663023